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EF28/1.8 is so......good


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When I got to my prime lenses is because I have something really speacialized and important to shoot. I have been investing in lenses and have the 50 1.2 L and 85 1.2 L, So if it were my choice i Would go with the 24 1.4L. When I grab my primes and shoot stuff like diamond ear rings for magazines, I have no doubt in my mind that those lenses are not going to bring me the best images possible with a Canon Camera. If I am shooting with a Sigma, Tamron, or lower end lens I don't have that confidence and find it hard to ask for $1000 plus dollars for the shoot. Now when I compare my Tamron 28-75 F2.8 DI which is an excellent lens to the Canon 50 1.2L there is simply NO comparrison. There is nothing like shooting with an L- series lens at 1.2 crystal clear with such shallow dof. I also have a 50 1.8 which is also pretty good, but again I just don't have the same confidence when I am shooting with that.
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--"My 28/1.8 had very soft corners wide open (when I buy a fast lens it is mainly in order to use it wide open) and flared awfully.

I'd be interested to see the same test performed a little differently: Shoot both wide open and show us the corner crops, not the center ones. "--

As Yakim had said,the corner is not so satisfied.Now I put the calender at the corner and compared:<div>00QRGL-62717784.jpg.82aaef891a2a26823d8b9a43499bc2fa.jpg</div>

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I like the 28/1.8 as a fast prime, think of it as a small, light, cheap 35/1.4L. Fast AF, excellent flair resistance (sorry Yakim) and very sharp in the centre.


OK corners could be sharper but plenty good enough for 10X8 prints.


Yes high contrast subjects show CA, but this is so easy to fix, just one click if you set-up correctly http://www.zen20934.zen.co.uk/photography/LensTests/EF_28mm_f1.8_USM/index.htm.


Use it as a fast prime and it is an excellent performer.

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I like my 28/1.8 a lot for pretty much all the same reasons Lester does, and haven't really seen some of the problems others noted. I don't hesitate to use it wide open.




1. I always use it with a lens hood. And...


2. I am using it on 1.6X crop cameras, so only the sharpest part of the lens.. the "sweet spot".


I didn't use it much on full frame (film), simply because it's not my favorite focal length there. I do enjoy it and use it a lot as a "slightly wide" normal lens on the 1.6X crop cameras.

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Yakim, I was not referring to you in that remark; I am sorry if it came over that way.


More about posters that bash the lens because the corner performance might not be the best, when they just pixel peep without understanding what is needed for a sharp print.


However, as I acknowledged in my first message, we have a disagreement about the lenses flare performance, which I have found to be comparable with most of the best lenses out there.


If this is due to a bad copy or unrealistic expectation I don’t know, but any lens will flare that way under excessive lighting contrast. Unfortunately my understanding is you don’t have a good case from another lens taken at the same time and place to resolve this.


This example where I attempt to reproduce you conditions with the 28/1.8 and 17-40/4 show similar levels of flare http://www.zen20934.zen.co.uk/photography/LensTests/Flare/RealWorld/index.htm


Controlled tests with the 28/1.8, 17-40/4 and 10-22 all show similar levels of flare, but of course with different geometries.





The 24-105/4 is a lens much more prone to flare as can be seen under the same test conditions. However this has never shown in normal real world shooting.


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Yakim- I wonder if you have any better direct comparisons than the one you linked to. Had those been identical compositions, I think your

position that elements/groups etc is secondary to design/coating would be irrefutable. However, the "forest" shot has much different

characteristics/dynamic range/ etc than the beach shot.


I own the 28/1.8 for my 5d and enjoy it. I haven't had a situation where corner sharpness was critical, so I haven't noticed the softness at

larger apertures some have, but neither have I had any flare issues even approaching the shot you linked.




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I rarely test lenses (the 70-200/4 IS vs. 70-200/2.8 IS case was the exception), I just shoot them and by that I learn to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. I accept the fact that maybe I got a lemon but at that time it was so horrible that I immediately sold it. To be completely honest, I didn't expected that. I expected the borders to be soft (and they were, up to f/2.8) but that didn't bother me so much as (a) I expected that and (b) The borders were mostly OOF anyway. What I didn't expect was the flare issue. It just popped out while shooting. What a bummer.... :-(


Happy shooting,


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