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buy 5D now or wait?


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You waited this long... what is a few more weeks? I love my 5D, but I wish it had weather seals and self cleaning. If there

is no announcement at Photokina then I'd go for it. Did you really want our advice? You probably already know what you

want to do. :-)

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I've been a Microsoft Windows Systems engineer since High School when I got my first job at Radio Shack. However ,my next computer will be a Macintosh. Why, it simply works better. I have been on the Canon band wagan since the first Digital SLR the Rebel Came out and hated Nikon. Unitl, the D200 came out then I hated them even more, because it had more features at a better price than anything Canon had. Now that the D3 has come out I hate them sooo much I might have to join them. Maybe at the same time I upgrade to that Mac.


In other words Canon had really better impress me with this next 5D both in features and price, because if it is anything like Windows Vista I'm a switching to Nikon :-)


PS - What is P.R. Antonio Flores? do you have a link to this thread?

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