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univex model a

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When I was a kid (censored) they were sold for $0.19 in Rexall drugstores. You could probably cut down a larger roll of film to fit but the spools were an odd shape with a thick flange on one end to accomodate a wedge shaped slot to engage the winding key. At that time the film was only supplied by Gavaert in Belgium and disappeared in 1940.
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<p>Check out a book called <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Glass-Brass-Chrome-Kalton-Lahue/dp/0806134348/">

Glass, Brass & Chrome</a>. There's a chapter on Universal Camera and their cameras. It's very interesting.</p>


<p>In short, Univex's business model was to sell cameras super-cheap and make money by selling film and

processing that only they produced. They bought Gevaert film and had it specially spooled. The cameras were half-

frame so they got away with shorter rolls. The result was that they appealed to cash-strapped Depression families

who wanted pictures but couldn't afford even Kodak prices. Results were mediocre but good enough considering the


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Thanks everyone! I'll read up on the company sometime, sounds interesting. I've just recently discovered the classic cameras and am very much and amatuer, and I made a promise to myself to only buy ones that I can use, so this is probably not going on the purchase list - at least for now!
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