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Help me find a program!!! Western Massachusetts

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I am a stay at home mother of four...ranging in age from 6 months to 4 years old. I have always had a love for

pictures and photography and fairly savvy with the computer. I am thinking about pursuing a career in photography

as the kids get older. I have a BA and Masters in Education and I would rather look for a certificate program

than a degree. Looking for a nights/ weekend deal that might work with my duties at home. Located in

Western Mass and feel that I need a on-site program. Not sure on-line learning is for me. Any and all thoughts are


Thanks in advance.

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I live in Massachusetts, also, and a former high school teacher, retired and have started a business. Some things I have learned: Photography is a combination of art and science, and you need to have a strong "feel" for both. There are several ways to learn, but practical experience is absolutely essential. You can self-teach almost everything you need if you have the self discipline. If you were to join PPAM, the Mass. PPA affiliate, you would probably be well-rewarded. It takes considerable time to meet people and make connections, but once done, you will find the people very helpful. There are several members in Western Mass, very warm and accepting. There are good books on the art-side of photography. Now for a taste of reality. Photography is expensive. We are in the "thousand-dollar club" where each item is $1000. A lens, studio light, software package, etc. will cost you that amount, or more. Second, most people have their own digital cameras taking their own photos. If your market is "portraiture and weddings" you face stiff competition from them, and from anyone who can afford a low-end digital slr. To really succeed, and make a comfortable income, you have to offer products that the amateur cannot produce. This is not as hard as it sounds, but it takes knowledge, experience, and marketing skills, all of which can be gained through PPAM and our school, NEIPP. email me if you want more assistance.
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I am currently enrolled at STCC with a Digital Photography major. I am in the Associates program but at one point I remember seeing a one year certificate program. I would look in to that, it is sooo much cheaper then Hallmark, which is around $50,000 for 10 months.
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I am currently enroll with NYIP and I have been very pleased with my instructor and lessons plans so far. The great part about NYIP is that you learn by doing. You have photo projects to complete and every aspect of photography is covered. I had been shooting for 25 years before I started the course and with each module I have picked up something new that has helped me become a better photographer. The other nice thing I like is that you can completed it on your own pace and schedule. I have been working on it now for about 9 months and I hope to be completed by this October. Hope this helps and good luck.
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