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Photos taken with Collapsible Summicron with Chip

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I recently bought a 5cm Summicron from a fellow photo.netter

[thanks} which has a tiny chipped part at the edge of the front. I

put it to a test by taking family photos downtown Pensacola.

I scanned it with a flat-bed scanner so don't get upset at me

for "not so wonderful images". I used Konica ASA 160 film.




<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/3191713-md.jpg">



My older daughter.

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<p>we have the same shild carrier...both my daughters spent a lot of time staring at

the label but luckily their first words weren't WARNING!...although the oldest is

reading at a relatively young age!

<p>BTW, amazing isn't it what a lens with a chip in it is still able to produce! I once

had to use a Panavision zoom on a shoot that had what looked like a large "booger"

inside and the results were still great....

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Raid, you bought a beautiful lens. I have the same Summicron of 1954 vintage mounted on an M3 and the results never cease to astound me. And the quality of craftsmanship is to die for to boot. This was taken with this lens a few days ago on Fuji 100 print film.<div>00BUIg-22335484.jpg.b1e7192bb42cec1cde65725214b9ef58.jpg</div>
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I love this lens (1954 version) and use it regularly on M6's and a Bessa R2 ... I never collapse it. I understand that if you try to collapse it on a CL you will clobber the meter cell. Even collapsed, it's not that compact, especially with a hood and filter on, so why bother? Just use it for its glow.
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Raid, it's the fact that we're all so thrilled with our half century old Leicas and lenses that's putting Leica out of business, more so than first SLR's, then auto exposure followed by auto focus and now digital. Just be very patient when explaining to your wife about your concern for all those skilled German craftsmen (and women)in Solms who are depending on you to buy a pair of brand new Leica MP bodies and a complete set of aspheric lenses so they can keep their jobs. I know it's tough surviving on as Florida university prof's salary but when she thinks of all of those poor Germans one step away from the unemployment line she'll be perfectly willing to start doing her own hair at home, buy household products at the 99 cent store, and outfit herself and the children at Goodwill.
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Raid - I'm trying to stop myself from saying it, but the first shot -- the one of your older daughter -- well .... it has a certain ...... uh, oh, the word is on the tip of my tongue .... gl .... gl ..... [this *is* difficult] .... glow.


Enjoy the lens! And enjoy this time when your kids (who are awfully cute, Raid) will still let you take their photos. It won't last.

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Gonzalo: Is this a German Summicron or are you using a close that has radioactive material in it? I have never heard before of a Summicron lens with radioactive material, but I know that some Soviet lenses had the "glow" ... that you hopefully don't have ;-)


Al: I know what you are talking about, but I will not feel "guilty" for not buying very expensive new Leitz optics. There are thousands who. I have always liked better the very old optics and cameras.

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