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Link to existing uploaded photos


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In the “No Word” forum and at any other place where there is a option to upload a picture, there should be an

option to specify a link to already uploaded photograph in the user’s workspace.

Once the link is specified, the photo can be fetched from the workspace and can be displayed on the page.


It has two advantages, It will save some disk space on photo.net severs and users will be able to click the

picture and provide ratings and comments.



- Bharat

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Bharat, I can only speak from my own experience and impressions, but using the No Words Forum to promote critiques and ratings would run counter to the spirit of that forum.


One of the reasons the NW forum is popular is because some folks don't want to participate in the often stressful photo feedback system. They prefer the subtle dynamics of establishing a visual dialog with other photographers. It's a conversation without words.

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If we expect people to write the HTML code, then why don't we use a wiki and make photo.net just a photo storage? This site is for the photographers and not for the techies who will know how to code HTML. Also I am not sure if photo.net comments allows to enter any arbitrary html code.



I am not suggesting that we should allow people to spam the No words forum with comments. I am suggesting if someone like a picture or has some suggestion about the picture, there is no way from No Wards forum to navigate to the picture and do that.

Providing a way to embed an already uploaded photo is beneficial for photo.net as there are no multiple copies of the same image hence savings on storage space. And its good for users because they need not to upload it again to the website.

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<i>"This site is for the photographers and not for the techies who will know how to code HTML. Also I am not sure if photo.net comments allows to enter any arbitrary html code."</i>


You have been a member of the site for 7 years and you haven't noticed the "The above text is HTML/Plain Text" selection box when making a forum post? I find that hard to believe.


It takes 10 minutes to learn to use the IMG SRC tag. Anyone who can understand something as complicated as the shutter speed/aperture relationship can learn easy html. Perhaps someday we will have a "hotlinking photos for dummies" button. But considering that we have two other ways for people to insert photos, and tens of thousands of users seem to use them just fine each week, I'm not putting it high on my "to-do" list.

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