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Mamiya m645 Pro Straps


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I've compiled one of these cameras and am quite satisfied with it as-is, if specifications are important before

getting to my question allow me to list them;


I've the regular Mamiya m645 Pro model (not TL, then) coupled with the Power Drive II (WG401), this all works

splendidly; however, as I'm sure some of you (whom are at least familiar with this camera) have noted, it tends

to be rather heavy and slightly bulky. Due to this I find it almost impossible to carry this piece of equipment

as I would my SLR without aid of a proper strap, and as such am seeking to procure one.


A problem I am encountering is that, while in my thorough reading of the knowledge database on this website, KEH

(my main source presently) does not specify what their straps are intended for. As I understand it there are

perhaps three (or more) straps that functions with my particular camera. One is something of a hand strap which

assumes the position of the powerdrive, and the camera is supported by one's palm, another straps around the lugs

and is a neck-supported strap (which is the type I'm looking for) however then there only seems to be one

neck-strap that functions in such a way as to be conducive to the usage of a Power Drive II.


My question then is whether anyone can (if necessary) assist me with clarifying any of this information, and

beyond that whether anyone knows of a retailer or a specific product name that is associated with the strap I'm

looking for? I thank you for your time and duly appreciate any/all support.


best regards/godspeed,


Edited by Sandy Vongries
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I have a Pro too. I got the <a href="">system chart</a> from the uk distributor's website. On there, there are only two straps mentioned. 'Strap N' is listed as part of the camera body 'part', top of the first page. The other is 'Wrist Strap N' (seems designed to cause confusion), which has a part number of its own, and also seems to be supplied with either of the two Power Grips (WG401 and WG402).</br></br> Hope that's some help.</br></br>



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Thank you for your comment and information… I'm not certain if it's solely me, but I can't access the link you

provided. Also, the text that you've given, while I'm grateful for, seems a bit unclear to me… Nothing was

supplied with my setup as I purchased it from KEH, also it seems a bit paradoxical that the 'Wrist Strap N'

(which serves the same exact function as the power drive, as far as holding it goes) would be compatible with the

Power Drive (either one).


So what I draw is that the 'Strap N' is the neck strap that is only manufactured by Mamiya, which can accommodate

the Power Drive? If that's the case, and I've gathered the information correctly, I thank you again. Yet I still

haven't a clue where I can obtain one of these, and am hoping someone else could provide me with some resources

as to how or where I can purchase the aforementioned strap. Just for the sake of providing some insight into what

I have in front of me, I've got a link to KEH's webstore listed below and if possible, I'd like for someone to

tell me whether they know for certain if any of those straps is compatible with the Power Drive.


I thank you again, and sorry for troubling but I just feel as if my question is unresolved.




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If you order from KEH I would ask them to try out the strap on a camera. I once bought (what I thought was) the exact thing you are looking for from them, but what arrived was for pentax645... the sticker on the bag was for the correct mamiya strap. The metal connection points look the same, but the pentax strap didnt fit. I found the proper strap locally and was able to get KEH to refund me with no problem.
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Charles, thank you very much… if you don't mind, could you tell me around how much you paid for the strap you

found?<br><br>I've found one (linked below) for $39.00, which seems a bit pricey and inordinate. Mind shedding some

light on how much you paid for (both) of your straps? I really do want/need a strap for this thing but I don't

want to pay that much money if I don't have to.<br><br>Also, I've called KEH and tried to get information from

them regarding strap compatibility, however the sales representative told me that they are not able to check the

inventory to do such things, I may try again tomorrow, but I am thinking that is not going to happen. It's a real

pity as all of KEH's strap prices are incredibly reasonable and within my budget.<br><br>



Here's one that's been up since April on Jcohenphoto… that seems to bode ill for the price to me, but… in the

event that this is simply the best deal I'm going to get, is anyone familiar with this merchant and able to vouch

for them? I apologize for asking so many questions, however (as I think is evident) this is a very convoluted and

slightly frustrating procedure to go through simply for one to obtain a proper strap for their camera. Christ.


best regards.

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I think I paid 18.95 or 19.95 plus tax at a local camera store for mine. More than the one at KEH, though I cant remember the exact price.


The strap pictured in that link is definitely the one you want, though I agree that price is kinda crazy.

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