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Can't import photos from my new nikon d700 into Lightroom


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Bought a new d700 today, downloaded the nikon transfer and capture software that came with the camera, but can not view pics in

Lightroom. I do my organizing and editing in Lightroom and was wondering if there is a patch from Nikon or Adobe that I need to download.


Paul Rankin

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Shun I expected that you had a sticky thread already prepared :-P


With every new camera we get 101 threads of big surprise that " I cannot read nef files - how come?^^


I suspect that Adobe should work together with Nikon in a much better way - did they not say they are like brothers nowadays?


Well seriously: we have to wait until third party software gets an update.

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On a German forum dedicated to the D700 someone posted a quick hack:

http://www.nikon-fotografie.de/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=68682 . There's a link to a DOS command line program

http://www.panopeeper.com/Download/D700TOD3.exe which expects two parameters as input, the filename of a D700 NEF

and an output name for a "simulated" D3 NEF. If no output name is given, a _D3 is inserted before the .NEF. The

program simply changes the file header from "D700" to "D3", which apparently makes the file acceptable for ACR at

least, others not tested. No guarantee, use copies of your precious files, not for professional environment, you

know the spiel...

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Best - hmm. What is the "best" car? A McLaren Mercedes Formula 1 car or a snow plow? Depends on the road

conditions and application I would say.


I can see advantages of NX2 in suppression of moire and in noise reduction (at high ISO settings). A good

starting point to convert to *.tif and then continue with a professional user interface of say PS that lets me

see what I am doing^^.

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>>Why not use the best NEF converter --- CaptureNX?


for instance because not everyone likes its user interface...and not everyone wants to use a special converter for each and every digital camera he owns...





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It appears that the slight delay in D700 support from Adobe was more due to a pre-existing release date for Lightroom 2.0. But this does point out the problem I was trying to illustrate: if a camera maker is too tight on information or releases it too close to the ship date of a camera the third-party community may have problems matching that date due their own pre-existing product schedules. Still, it would have been nice if Adobe would have had Nack or someone else there with a blog post something along the lines of "D700 support is imminent" when the camera shipped on July 25th.

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