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need a name for my website..help!

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ive been working on a website for my photography and i am stumped about what to call the website/url.


My passion is concert photography. I have a ton of concert shots to put up. but I am also going to have other types

of photos on the site as well- nature photos, new york city, portraits and just random general photos that I have on

my computers.


Im pretty much open to anything. I was thinking that maybe the name could have something to do with light/sound

or movement. Or it could be something random.


I dont want to just use my name, my last name is long and most people dont know how to spell it or pronounce it.

(Eva Nowakowski). Some of my friends call me Knowacow, a phonetic spelling of my last name- Knowacowski but

that's kind of dumb.


What do you guys think? All ideas are greatly appreciated.


i also have questions about pricing work but I dont even know where to begin with that. I guess I will do some

research first and look at other threads. I think I am going to have some of the photos on my site for sale and have a

checkout/buying system in place eventually. not sure yet.



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What's wrong with www.evanoakowski.com or www.evanowakowskiphotography.com (or some variation of that)? My

site is www.karenlippowithsphotography.com and Lippowiths is a tongue-twister (and misspelled 100% of the time) but it

doesn't seem to hurt.


Pricing is a whole different ball game. We would probably need to see some of the shots and, more importantly, you

need to determine the margins on how to make a profit (in other words, don't go by what we say here).


Good luck :)


Karen Lippowiths (wishing my husband's last name was Smith)

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yea. i might just use my name in the end. or i might register two sites, one with my name and the other being something else and just link them. or have one simpler url that is something like evasphotos.com or photosbyeva.com


i love your site by the way. i would love to do some children's photography. you've got a lot of really beautiful photos on there.

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Name? Do you want people to find it by YOU as author, or the YOUR PHOTOS by the subject, or YOUR PHOTO SERVICES

by an arbitrary name that you will build recognition of over time, like "blinkbox photos" or "razberries" (just

inventing). If you plan to make money and execute transactions, consider the TRADEMARK value of your name, of

your mark in trade, for your product or services. I also consider where I'll appear in the yellow pages and in

people's Rolodex, alphabetically. Naming something is a rather involved challenge.


"AAAA Photography"


Right. Moving on ...


I tend to like generic, descriptive web page titles:


"Eva Nowakowski Photography"


... then have click-able categories on that page after your prime all-purpose "portfolio" of your "best" shots.


Last name too long or "arbitrary"? I use my first given names:


"Peter Blaise Photography"


... people will find me two ways. Friends will go because I direct them. Googlers will go because I wrote good

descriptions on each page and submitted them to Google.




How about locale names?


"Eva Chicago Photography"


"Eva LA Photography"


... or some other location moniker might work, so long as you don't move. BUT, I'd expect to find photography

of only that area there, or at least copious photography of that area.


"Eva Photography"


"Eva Smith Photography"


"Eva the Great Photography"


"Queen Eva Photography"


You may have to browse and search for other people's photography web sites to see what turns you on and turns

you off, and adapt and adopt from there. Google search for [photography portfolio]




= 1,080,000 pages to review. See ya later! ;-)


Random name?


"Omega Photo Works"


What does THAT say?


Naming things is tough, especially if you want a fictitious name. Keep us informed of your choices, what you

do, and how you resolve this. AND a link, please!


Google search [how to pick a good trademark name]




= 318,000 pages to read! ;-)

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evasphotography.com is not taken.


im checking urls on godaddy.com

i always buy url names on that site.


evatography is up for grabs and so is evasphotography.com


i like concertography and i can make them an offer for it when i go to that address, but it will probably be more than i would like to spend.


hmm..what else?

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what about something using photography keywords/buzzwords/camera concepts or parts in the name?


shutterbuggery is taken but www.shutterbugery.com with the one G is not.


FSTOPHOTOGRAPHY.COM is available with a single p in the middle, fstopphotography with a double p is taken.


hmm what else? im trying to think of some good photo related terms...


a friend of mine is a concert photographer and i like his name a lot, his site is called rhythmic photography.


for a while i thought of using Sonic Photography but that is taken.

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youd be hard pressed to find a cheap 6 letter domain. I would include loaction and genre. Like: www.bostonconcertphotography.com laconcertpics.biz keep your options open on the biz, info, com side too. if a domain is too expensive as a dot com, try something else. If your the first, its unlikely that someone will choose the same but with a dot com, thats a risky investment.
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Methinks you fuss too much.


Shutterbuggery? Are you being serious? You do know what buggery is - yes? If not look it up!


As for using camera parts or concepts in the name - it might tickle you but your clients may not be that techy. Its you they're 'buying' not a camera part - they can get that from anyone. You however are YOU - and are unique, so capitalize on that fact and make your name/site memorable.

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What about soundphotography.com or alterations like sound-photography.com.

It seems to be up for sale or not registered.

It would allure to music and good proficiency and would still be a good name if you deviate

from concert images.





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