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Photonet site extremely slow...problems, anyone?


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I've been using Explorer 7.0 and Firefox but the Photonet site remains extremely slow to respond (60+ sec to load

pages, drop-down tabs unresponsive). I've checked and rechecked numerous settings ad nausea...nothing. Every

other page (scores) I access on the 'net is perfectly fine. Using a high-end Dell, high-speed connection, etc. but

remain puzzled. Are others having a problem? Any suggestions? I've been told by a couple IT folks the problem is


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Yeh, a few intermittent problems the past few days. Usually occurs a couple of times a day, no pattern or particular action.


I've been experiencing something odd that nobody else has mentioned: there's a l-o-n-g lag in response when I'm entering text in the message section of the forums. I'm a touch typist but my speed ain't that great, mebbe 20 WPM. But I can sometimes finish a sentence before it even appears on the message box. And this happens only on photo.net. None of the other websites I frequent show this peculiar problem.


I'm also noticing my hard drive grinding away more often now on photo.net, like something is going on in the background. Could be my own browser settings, dunno, but, again, I'm not seeing this happen with most other sites.


However, I almost always suspect my own settings first - PC, browser, etc. - and stuff I may have running in the background (anti-malware, virus, etc.).

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I'm not having any issues myself here in Washington state (3000 miles from the servers).


But do keep in mind that things aren't going to be 100% consistent all the time. There are many many links in the chain that can affect response speed for a particular click.

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No problems in Denver for some time now. I just realized that I rarely visit the Feedback Forum these days because there is nothing left to complain about. Oops, there is one thing - There is still no mechanism to annotate people on your Interesting People list as to why you put them on it.


And as long as I am at it, I really like the new capability to build a favorite photos folder. It would be nice if you could re-order them as you can with your personal photo folders. We can't let Patrick and those other dudes become slackers.


Thanks, GJ

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