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Fuji s5800

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Hi all


I currently use Canon EOS 350D slr and I have few lenses to go with it.


However, everytime it is difficult to carry the SLR and quickly change the lenses on location as per the situation.


I was thinking to buy s5800, which is going on specials here at really low price. I hope to get a telephoto view

at large aperture setting, which will really give nice shooting experience without spending too much. I know I

cant expect image quality to match my 350D.


However, in general how is this camera? Does anyone have experience on this?

There are very few reviews (almost none) that I could find for this camera. Whatever are there, give mixed

opinions. The main drawbacks that I read was that the lens give high CA at telephoto end. Some review also

mentioned about lack of sharpness (but that was the only one). Hence want to check if anyone has first hand

experience on this camera and how does it fare? Can I get occasional 8"x12" photos? Is it responsive for sports /





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