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how do you charge clients for extensive photoshop work?

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I am just wondering how I should handle this....


A lady wants me to do a large family photograph for her--approx 10 adults and a couple of kids, she didn't say what

ages. How do you handle this? Do you charge extra for more people? If a photo (or several) would be better with

swapping, say, one of the kid's faces with another, do you just go ahead and do it and present it that way, or do you

let the client ask for it, or what? Are these possibilities figured in to your pricing structure ahead of time, or do you

charge extra for doing that, on an individual basis? Thanks in advance!

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be honest and open, dont hide a thing that might later turn out to bite you, tell them about face and head swapping.


Charge for the shoot, whatever your fee, charge for the post production and for the prints, but like robert says he does, you can make up for it in the print, only I dont like to do it that way, I like to itemize my charges and let the client decide what they want and also what they paid for. . . my prints are flat rate, no changing the price base on how much effort I put into the post production, I charge for PP (if it's major, like head swapping) along with sep print prices. . .

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I would never do major surgery on an image unless the client had a special request. I charge by the hour for shots & post

production time. I then, give them the option of downloading the images, or buying prints from and online store. If turn

around time is an issue I will then do in house printing with cost of the print plus a rush charge.

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As a wedding photographer, when doing formals, I swap heads as needed to be able to deliver one solid shot of everyone. Normally head-swaps aren't needed, but sometimes they are. I don't even mention it to the couples... what do they care? IMHO, their end goal is to have a great image - if that takes a little photoshoppery, I do it. If they want more done, I do it free-of-charge, within reason. It's more important to me to have happy clients than it is to make a few extra bucks for a half-hour of extra post (on top of the 50-80 hours of post I do anyway).

For straight post-processing work done for a non-wedding client (say, if I'm doing post for another photographer) I charge in 15 minute increments, with a one-hour minimum. When I'm doing this, however, I work WAY faster than I do on my own stuff simply because I what them to 'get their moneys worth' and to come back.

Satisfy the cleint:Golden Rule for me.

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I just did a family of 16 (8 adults, all the rest were kids) Monday. I do not charge extra per person. We have a flat sitting fee and it covers as many people that they want in the picture. I also do all editing, head swapping, etc automatically included in their price. I head swap then present. I only present my very best work, so for me personally I've found that I want the picture to look the very best that it can, and will not have my client see anything less (if i can help it). I tell them when doing the shoot that if needed, I will swap heads, etc. but I don't go thru every proof with them and tell them which heads I replaced in which pictures. If they can't tell, then it must be a pretty good swap :) Good luck to you!
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