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Using P N as a site for viewing photos

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Brian, you underrate yourself. That's a damned fine series of photos. With a little tweaking to the gamma and cropping some of 'em would be excellent additions to photo.net. You have a good eye for peak action.


Most photo.netters shooting sports are not pros. They're folks just like you who want to improve their technique for shooting real world sports, the kind most of us are exposed to. You could use your best shots to set up a dialog with other sports photographers.


And don't sweat the occasional indifferent rating. Ignore 'em if your photos draw the occasional 3/3. The point is to share what you have with like-minded folks, not those who don't get it.

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Lex...thanks for the kind words I appreciate it. Funny thing is when I bought the camera I mainly intended to focus

on landscape and architectural, and still do/will but a funny thing happened when I decided to take the camera along

to my wife's nephew's games. I realized my playing baseball until I was 31 made it perfect for shooting it, hence the

eye for the peak action. Sports in general actually. I just feel perfectly comfortable and confident doing it. Before I

would go home from work and think "where can I go to shoto landscape" and now I'm thinkign where can I go to

shoot sports.Now I am lusting for fast glass and long reach. Haha




You mention the gamma and here is where the lack of PP knowledge comes in. I don't know what that would change

with the pictures but I wil research and figure it out. The problem is I have el cheapo Acer LCD monitor at home that

isn't calibrated and I'm sure it's far from where it needs to be but don't know. I will eventually upgrade. In fact I may

need to start a thread on what can I do to my current monitor to get it set at it's best for what it is.




Went to see a friend's daughter swim and took some shots. Here is an example.<div>00QI5N-59657984.JPG.52d46560d42b4c0bf4cf8dfe51c02923.JPG</div>

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