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i work on a mac and use photoshop cs3. i always thought that this is the top software for photo editing, but after not finding an easy way to do a simple batch rotation of jpeg images without loosing any data, i am a bit concerned about the limitations of photoshop. i would like to have as many creative tools as possible to create digital artwork and print the best photos. i was hoping someone can point me to the right software(s) that could be a great addition to photoshop - one that could at least do quick batch lossless jpeg rotations.



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You need to get some good books on photoshop and bridge. There are some programs such as lightroom or Aperture that offer nice image management as well as limited image editing capabilities, but nothing has the capability that CS3 does, for creating digital artwork. Not sure anything really comes close. But its a huge program to learn, I'm not sure anyone really knows everything it can do.


So Olga, its up to you to get to work on it, really there's little you can't do on it.

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