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source of 5x7 sheet color paper?

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Hi folks,


I've been out of commission for a couple of years busy with a move, new job, etc. Last weekend, I finally got the

gear out, bought some chemistry, etc. only to find out that my Supra Endura 5x7 stock was almost out. To my

shock, I couldn't find it (or even a Fuji alternative) anywhere (B&H, Adorama, Calumet, etc.) I bet this is old news, so

please forgive my ignorance,

but what are my options now?


Your help will be much appreciated.



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Many sizes of cut color paper are vanishing, as the vast majority of the paper sold is going into laser and LED digital exposure systems. You may be reduced to buying the long rolls, and cutting them.


At least Supra Endura is still made. Portra Endura is gone. Digital printing wants wide gamut paper, you reduce saturation in software, not paper.


The optical color printing market is shrinking quickly towards "too small make a profit from" for the paper makers.

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Thanks John. That's depressing, but I guess inevitable. Can someone please educate me on the type of cutter that would be easy to use in the dark for cutting my own 5x7's from roll paper? I assume that it has to be a special gizmo with a way of mounting the roll. Also, I assume that cutting and stacking sheets in advance would take care of any curvature that might affect enlarger focus. I don't want to give up on analog printing yet and 8x10s aren't always convenient. Speaking of 8x10, do you guys recommend stocking up on that?


Thanks again!

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Even in B&W I haven't bought anything smaller than 8x10 since I was a teenager and couldn't afford it. It's much cheaper to buy 8x10 and cut it down on a regular paper cutter than to buy smaller sizes. Smaller sizes were always higher priced thann cutting it down to get the same number of sheets. I don't thkink it would be easy to cut from a roll in the dark but cutting from sheets is no problem at all.
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