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Arca F-line Orbix tilt on nodal point w/ raised standart?


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To those who have access to an Arca F-line camera with the Orbix add-on:<br>

If the Orbix tilt mechanism is used, does it tilt the lens round its nodal point also if the front standart has been directly raised?<br>

Or is the Orbix pivot point fixed in relation to the monorail, meaning indirect movements would have to be used when rise and tilt is to be applied at the same time?<br>Also, what happens to the pivot point in relation to the nodal point when using recessed lensboards?<p>

I played with an Orbix equipped F-line for a few minutes at the last Fotokina, but didn't think about the above questions at that time...

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  • 3 months later...

Well, it seems I have to answer my question...<br>

Checking with Arca Swiss customer support revealed that

<ul><li>the orbix on the F-line tilts the lens round its nodal point only iff the front standart is completely lowered</li>

<li>the geared orbix (micrometric) is available, albeit `in low production volumes' (delivery delay up to 3 weeks possible)</li></ul>

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