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Impending Rebound In Mamiya RB/Z Prices


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I've been hearing a lot of talk lately about the introduction of a new (dedicated) digital back for the RB system. While I personally have no

interest in acquiring such a back (I am perfectly happy with Kodak Portra and film origination, thanks very much), and I have a pretty

complete RB system, I was still looking to acquire one of the Mamiya 100-200mm zooms, which I foresee as being affected, even more so

than other glass, as zooms have become more and more dominant.


Does anyone speculate that the price of RB glass is going to rebound just as 35mm cine glass has rebounded now that it is compatible

with one of the new digital movie camera systems?





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Maybe, though there's no denying the steady downdraft on medium format system values. Unless or until Mamiya's digital back emerges, the price slide will continue. I'm stalking RB outfits actively and am shocked at how low the prices are falling relative to just 12-18 months ago.
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There won't be any effect on second-hand prices, and it will remain a buyers' market. Reasons:

(a) the size of the market for MF digital is too small to increase any demand for RB stuff

(b) if you have 7K+ for a MF digital back, you probably have 2K for a new-in-the-box dedicated body. Given current

sensor sizes, 645 would be a better choice for most people.


By the way, unless I'm missin' something, a digital back for RB would essentially be a 2 x 3 Graflok or international

back. This could be used on other cameras as well, although RB would be the most common.

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Perhaps the system prices are falling, some individual lenses, the 37mm for example, have increased quite a bit over the last year. Good bodies and backs are getting harder to find as well. Most of what's out there is pretty well beat and in need of work to get it back to 100%.




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New SD bodies are $799 I believe. I'll stick with my BGN condition Pro-S though :). If anything, I'll spend the money on a lens

overhaul as opposed to a brand spanking new body.


Erie, you're right about the 37 milli and other, more specialized if you will, lenses going up in price. I paid more for my fish than

the rest of my RB setup combined. It was worth it though, it's an amazing piece of glass.


Karl, I haven't bought a whole lot of 35 millimeter gear lately, and I haven't purchased a video camera in an even longer time,

but are you sure that the reason prices have gone up is because of their compatibility with cine cameras. The reason I ask is

because, given the relative size of the video industry, only a very small amount of videographers own cameras that are 35mm

lens compatible, or own 35mm adapters.

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