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Photo Of The Week - July 13th


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Justin, that is one of the best fireworks shots I have ever seen. Great capture!

Well, I borrowed my daughter's sigma 105 macro this week and shot macro for the first time. It was fun, it opens up a whole new world of

photography. Here are three, all shot two days ago.<div>00Q9P8-56593584.jpg.09a7502486a6b1f3cca3b439569ded76.jpg</div>

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My efforts looks so - ordinary - in comparison! Oh well, I am a beginner.


I purchased a DA* 50-135 this week, and these shots at a party are my first outing with it. The weather was dull

and drizzly, the lighting real poor. It was a wake to celebrate the passing of a friend a while ago. Any excuse

for a party in these parts!


Here are some candids from the event, all shot with a K10.


50-135 800 iso

<br> <center><img src="http://reyno.com.au/Photos/3571.jpg"></center>


50-135 800 iso


<center><img src="http://reyno.com.au/Photos/3532.jpg"></center>


Tamron 90 1600 iso, light fading fast! Pity the highlights are blown.


<center><img src="http://reyno.com.au/Photos/3732.jpg"></center>


I like the 50-135...

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Great stuff everyone.


Justin, I think it is not just the fireworks but the greatly lit foreground that does it! I personally love your 2nd baseball

shot. The light contrast, the expression on his face, and the frozen action of dropping the bag of powder.


Javier, next time get a larger animal, and program it to charge the photogs suddenly and chase them off. You can

then pick through what they leave lying around!


Maria, nice chair. I like the last one. PP helps a lot.


Matt, those shots are going to be pulled out and shown for a long time to come! Great!


Scott, Dogtreemoon is a keeper.


Haig, nice flower! The compositional slant of everything makes it really interesting.


Hin, great shots. I also love my 50-200!


Markus - "Music makes the world go round" is really eye catching.


Doug, can't help with the flower id, but it looks great.


Robert, your first macro really rocks! The colors and definition are great.


Dave - those wineberries look good enough to drink!


Ian, you've got those portraits down well! Keep them coming!


OK, time for me to post some. I have already posted some pics this week in my thread about temporarily ending my

brief foray into film, but here are some more from Saturday evening. Unfortunately I had consumed a fair amount

of "happy juice" (Dewars is so smooth!), and the focus is not as sharp I would like. But the cuteness factor rocks!

Friend's kids.


Tyra asking for something more to drink:


<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/garryyoung/2663217065/" title="Tyra by Garry Young, on Flickr"><img

src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3140/2663217065_42435b5b55.jpg" width="500" height="400" alt="Tyra" /></a>


Jordan smiling:


<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/garryyoung/2664042996/" title="Jordan smile by Garry Young, on Flickr"><img

src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3287/2664042996_c98e19b56b.jpg" width="334" height="500" alt="Jordan

smile" /></a>


Jordan looking up:


<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/garryyoung/2663216793/" title="Jordan by Garry Young, on Flickr"><img

src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2264/2663216793_16d6d5a123.jpg" width="500" height="400" alt="Jordan" /></a>


Jordan playing ball - note the focus - he is going to be a rugby player one day!


<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/garryyoung/2663216517/" title="Jordan focussed by Garry Young, on

Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3258/2663216517_5f492b58b7.jpg" width="400" height="500"

alt="Jordan focussed" /></a>


Top that for cute anyone!

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Thanks for the comments everyone.




I didn't superimpose the shots. These are just single exposures.


Fireworks are really easy.


Tripod, cable release, and proper DOF. you can even leave the shutter open indefinitely if you have some black cardboard to put in front of the lens.


What I did was figured out my aperture for the background and the ISO I needed for 30 second exposures. Then I adjusted for 10-45 seconds. The goal was to get a short but nice burst of fireworks over the church.


Some of the longer exposures happened when there was a furious burst of fireworks, killing the shot. This one I had the shutter on bulb and I turned it off when the burst I wanted happened.


Gary, yeah my wife loves that shot too. I noticed he went to the rosyn bag the out before, and i thought, cool shot. But I missed it. This time I just caught him!! Focus is a bit off, but yeah, with kids you can get away with soft shots!! I'm disappointed though Gary we've come to expect more from you!!


Rob love the macros. Nice DOF, they look like fireworks!! \


Markus, as always nice way to capture the scene within a scene. Love your detail shots.


Maria, that chair cracks me up. Glad to see I'm not the only one behind on PP.


Scot, those mountains in the background of the first one look inviting, but I like the second one even more for some reason.


Javier, I got bit (barely, didn't break the skin thankfully) by a squirel like that one time. Never again!!! And those houses blow my mind. It's like the houses on the east coast beaches where people seem shocked are destroyed by hurricanes.


Common sense message: If you build your house on the beach or base/side of a mountain, don't cry about how it's gone. When you look at all the rocks at the base of a mountain take a long thought how they got there....hint gravity and weather...hint, eventually your house will be covered in rocks, mud, or simply fall!!


Bruce, not bad, but it seems a little flat. Might want to up the contrast a bit.


Ian, Nice portraits.


Matt, like the wedding shots, but I also like your nicely added watermark. Not the usual dead center we've become accustomed to. Allows us to enjoy the images.


Hin, you do seem to get great shots of the kids...those are some cool goggles...is he wearing a wet suit?


Haig, the macro is cool but seems just a bit flat on my monitor, I love the dog portrait!

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Aah Justin. Cruel words, but I guess cuteness isn't going to carry the day! My excuse:


The Springboks had just beaten the All Blacks in New Zealand for the first time in 10 years, and in Carisbrook - a stadium they have only lost 4 matches at in their nearly century long tradition of rugby! Aah the joy. The whiskey flowed, and in my hoarse, benevolent joy, the little ones looked so cute, snap, snap. I rest my case!

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Justin, starting the POW thread in the wee hours of the night just isn't fair to us lazy bums. I went to bed at

4:00 editing my concert photos, and I've only finished one of the bands! One more to go...


It's sad, but I have to go to work, so I'll be commenting on individual photos at a future, unspecified date. I

will say that Justin has put all us July 4 fireworks shooters to shame; what a shot! And I also have a question

for Javier: Where do you find these people????? You must have a huge collection of photos of Asian tourists

carrying 10lb lenses! I guess it's these guys keeping Canikon alive :-)


No time to upload pics and link to them, so there'll be 3 posts from me.


First off, proof that I DO NOT work with Garry. Here's an impromptu shot of a friend and co-worker, taken with a

Pentax-M 75-150mm f/4 (what a neat little lens).<div>00Q9ay-56679684.jpg.555b0f04723c299c758e013b73e48d98.jpg</div>

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And lastly, a pic from the concert. First time shooting live music, so I was flying by the seat of my pants. The

FA 50mm behaved admirably, I must say; it even focused correctly in near-darkness. I'll be starting a separate

thread for theses photos once I finish the second band, but here's one of the cellists rocking out. They played

70's rock on cellos...way cool, let me tell you :-) (Click through for a larger version.)<br>


Seeing as they're only 400 pixels across, can I post two? Yeah? Great. Thanks!

<p align=center>

<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/Miserere/TheCelloChixLizardLounge10July2008/photo#5222400585482295362"><img




<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/Miserere/TheCelloChixLizardLounge10July2008/photo#5222401223914039634"><img


/></a><br><b>Susanna (yeah, with 2 bows!)</b><br>


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