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Shen Hao 4X5 with a 180mm f5.6 Symmar fine?


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From this very resourceful group, today my spanking new

Shen Hao 45IIa arrived in my office and I cannot wait to get out of here!!!! Thanks a lot for all who have posted reviews and their honest opinions. Previously I was using a Baby Pacemaker Speed Graphic and gain a resevoir of skills and feel I am ready to try a 4X5. I own an old 180mm f5.6 Symmar lens that I am curious to know if it will cover a 4X5 without problem. Also, I have several other wide angel lenses but not sure if they will be a perfect match. I have a 65mm f3.5 Wollensak,127mm Ektar, a 101mm Ektar, and a 103mm f3.5 Xenar. Of all these lenses, which will be best to work with a 4X5 without any problems?









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I ordered the camera from Badger Graphics for $645 + other

accessories. For the price it is a really bargain and the

craftsmanship is very good (I have not touched or seen other wood

cameras). I am extremely satisfied. I mounted my 180mm Symmar lens

and checked for coverage and it is fine. I will recommend if budget

is a constraint. The only thing the camera is a bit heavy but not as

torturous as say working at Burger King or a mine.





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