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My new blog (40D pictures)

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Since two months ago I have opened my new photo blog http://giorgio-photos.com/wordpress/.

All the pictures in the gallery there are taken with a Canon 40D.

There is different kind of pictures and there will be more soon. I still need to improve a lot my photographic still and

still need to understand how to use the 40D for best result so if you want to leave any comments here or into my

blog that allow me to improve myself or if you just want to talk about techniques and photography, please have a look.







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I browsed through your pictures, especially Prague. The pictures are well composed and sharp, etc. The color rendering is super-saturated. I don't know if it is the Camera, the setting of color preference [as in high, normal , low] or if it is the post processing. You may want to look into that; especially in the Prague series the roofs are unrealistically red and the vegetation is dripping green. Perhaps you can modulate it in the post-processing. All the best.
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Thanks for your comment.


You are right, that pics are over saturated and at the beginning i did it on purpouse, try to experiment some setting of the camera.

I'll modify the Prague pictures, lowering the saturation. Hope to upload the new pictures withing tomorrow.


Thanks very muck fro you comment again.

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