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Could this be a scam?


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I post ads on craigslist now and then for my wedding services. Last night I got this"


"are you free to shoot a wedding on Aug. 3?


Please let me know a.s.a.p


Thank you"



So I emailed back I was. Then today I get 2 more emails (different email adresses) asking the SAME thing exact

same words. But have not gotten a response back. So this is a total of 3 emails asking the same thing.


Seems fishy to me. What do you think?

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The first time I received one of those messages, I promptly replied. In broken english, the guy agreed to hire me for an upcoming wedding, and told me he was sending a check from California (I'm in Chicago). I received a check from a random Louisiana rice milling company in an amount that was $1000 more than what we agreed on. Then he told me that his wedding planner made a mishap and I was supposed to wire the extra money back to him. Needless to say, I did no such thing.
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Matthew Scribed: Needless to say, I did no such thing.


What you should have done is sent the check to the milling company with a letter explaining the situation. They would have been able to change their checking account if it was indeed their checking account. They could have also opened a case with the police in California.


You should have said that you could not wire any money, but instead would send a check. Print a fake check with all fake information, account, name, bank, etc. Send that to the person using a fake return address. Give them a taste of their own medicine. Their bank may be able to press fraud charges against them.

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Not good advice to create a fake of your own, especially if you're trying to get the cops to press charges for you.


There are many scammers and spammers out there. Best advice when dealing with anyone is to meet them in person - at a public place. Get a money order or check then. If you get a check for more than the amount you requested, don't cash it...If it's bad your bank will charge you in most cases. Hold it, call the person who sent it and see what's up.


If they don't provide contact info (phone #) I don't respond.



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The advice about contacting the company affected was most certainly not illegal and was not a terrible idea.


The advice about making a fake check may have been illegal but it was also certainly not terrible. What the person did initially was also illegal. So why not send them some of their own medicine?


And for your information I also worked 15+ years in the financial industry as the IT manager for a larger commercial bank. I am fully aware of the laws. The local authorities have done little, and will do little, to catch these cretins. The local authorities will do nothing for something that is outside their jurisdiction. Only the FBI will get involved when state lines are involved. So slamming the cretins with their own medicine, make them the fall guys, is not such a bad idea in my opinion.

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Well, for one thing it is not against the law to print a check. You can make up an account number and ABA number and put it on the check. This is done all the time with promotions in the mail that contain very real, but limited, checks. You also many times will see sample checks in check order books, although these generally have VOID written across the check. It is also not against the law to sign such a check. As long as the instrument is not presented as payment for anything there have been no laws broken. A check is really nothing more than a promise to pay by drawing against funds in an account.


What is a violation is the presentation of a knowingly false instrument for payment. That is why postal inspectors, FBI, and local law enforcement do not get involved. Unless there is theft involved. That happens when the person sends the money and the other person obtained the funds by fraudulent means.


If the check is never presented for payment there have been no laws broken. And if you really think a person that has commited fraud is going to complain to the authorities when they themselves get caught, then they are indeed really stupid.

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Raymond, you said that as long as the fake check is not presented as payment then no laws have been broken. Then, why are you suggesting sending the check? To show your artistic ability? For someone to give the bad guys a case of their own medicine is dumb, too.

To use yor own words,"The advice about making a fake check may have been illegal,"

illegal is illegal, PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Jack: The check is not in payment for anything. It is just sent on to the individual for them to do as they wish. If they choose to deposit the check it is their problem.


And note that I said "may", not "is". In some jurisdictions such as overseas the laws may be different. But here in the U.S. the printing of a check, any check, is not illegal.


The person whose name is on the check is ultimately responsible for how the check is used. If the check is invalid then the person that presented the check is out the money. It is up to that person to contact the person that created the check to resolve the issue.


I personally think sending the check is a good idea. The person that is scamming gets scammed and gets noticed by their bank. That puts them on the hook and the identification of the person is now known. Think they will run to the police and complain about getting scammed by their own scam?

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The fake checks you mentioned for promotions, etc the ones I've seen show that they are not actual checks. You are promoting to have it look real.What you seem to say is that I can send my insurance company a fake check. And, if they cash it, it is there problem. Try that with the phone bill, etc and see what happens!

what you are actually doing is sending them the check to pay for the amount of excess money they sent you by mistake. So, you are sending them the check so that they will consider it as payment.

I'm just saying that give your suggestion to the state Atorney General or someone, similiar and see what they have to say.

Printing a check that will be used as payment, is illegal.In this case, since you are suggesting for the check to be used as payment for the excess money they sent you. It is.

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