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Nikon 995 and macro...

dan n.

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Hi all...




I just got an Nikon 995 (digital) for proofing and send them to clients before the real shot in LF.... Could anyone suggest what accessories I need to buy in order to shoot Macro (real close).... thanks in advance...(subjects are jeweleries and flowers...)

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My 950 fills the frame with my watch dial at about an inch or so. Do

you want microscope type effects or just close ups?




The 950 has a close up mode -the flower petal- that allows this.

There may be accessories for even closer, but they will likely cause

unflat field problems.




The 950 works great shooting thru the eyepice of a microscope focused

at infinity. The 995 can use a manual shutter speed which is a help.


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Are you kidding us all?<br>Do you mean to tell us you bought the

Nikon 995 without realising that it focuses to 2cm?<br>Can't you even

be bothered to read the manual?<br>Anyway, even if this isn't a troll

- you'll NEVER be able to get the same 'look' with a large format

camera as with the N995, so your proofs won't be very much like the LF

version at all.<br>The longest focal length on the 995 is 32mm; a

working distance of only 64mm at 1:1. This means the perspective will

be completely different from an LF camera. Even if you fit an 80mm

lens to a 5x4, you'll still be nearly 3 times further away from the

subject.<br>You'll also have to divide the LF working aperture number

by at least 3 as well, to get the same DoF on the Nikon.

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Scrap that about the perspective above.<br>Of course, 1:1 on the Nikon

covers a much smaller area than on a 5x4. Getting a small, say 25mm,

flower head full-frame is actually about a 4:1 reduction on the 6mm x

8mm frame of a digicam; giving a working distance of ~ 150mm. You'd

need more than a 1:3 magnification with a 100mm lens on 5x4 to get the

same result.<br>The problem of the vast difference in depth of field

between the two cameras remains, and now it's made worse by the

differing magnification ratios.

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Thanks all for then answers...




I know that's the perspective and everything won't be the same..the

client wanted to compare cost and quality before comitting to digital

or stay on traditional...I did recommend to stay on LF but they want it

anyway...so I will do my best... Yes I know it's a weird

situation..Thanks again....

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