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When publishing a gallery from Lightroom 1.4 the images are missing from the webpage although when tested locally

on the PC it all works fine. I have tried to find out if their is a list of requirements for a hosting service to be

comapible with lightroom. I have checked the content of the server and the photos are definately there. Does

anyone know if there is a list of hosting requirements?

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Did you check paths for each picture? You know- if the path is showing location on your PC rather that absolute

path to that picture?

I don't think it would do it for just some photos within the same web album- but maybe?

Also- are names exactly the same in the lightroom created album and on the server?

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When uploading a Web site, the remote directory /folder structure must mimic the local one.


In other words LR creates your gallery in a folder. Lets say it's /seanphotos/



Upload the entire folder with all its contents to your server.


Then the URL will be www.domainname.com/seanphotos/


The LightRoom galleries I've uploaded work fine, like this one:



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Thanks for the help guys, I checked the code and all appeared fine with the paths etc.


I ended up calling Adobe and the guy I spoke to is sure that the issue is indeed due to a restriction in the trial version of Lightroom which makes sense really. I'll just have to purchase the full version now.


Thanks again.

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