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S5 replacement.

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I just can't for the life of me see why they shroud all news in a "Cloak", this might be a business step to them but my generation is not so tollerent, we want to hear some facts!

By not letting the public know is starting to sound more like a sales gimic that worked in the past but is so stupid it's ridiculous! Times to short to sit around assuming that they are going to do something great when there model updates are like adding another hair to your head!

I think it's time to start looking at the other manufactures like Panasonic, Fuji or anyone! Any of these companies could kick Canon's backside if they could just get up the nerve to operate on there own and design something that people really want instead of copying a company's profile, that is a PITA!

If you are a company guy for these people, bring this up at your meetings!


Whats the analogy from the movie, "Build it and They will Come", its actually true!

All those other camera companies have the knowledge, they just lack leadership which is quite obvious!

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