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Is Cokin filter system suitable for EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM?


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I am going to buy an EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM lens for my 400D body, and in a year or so I plan to get a 5D body,

so that I can use both bodies to take landscape photos. Currently I am using Cokin A series filters for my EF-S

18-55mm lens.


I understand that once I upgrade to EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM lens, I must change my filters to fit to its 82 mm

diameter. I still like to use Cokin system since it is cheap and quite convenient. But I am not sure whether I

should use "P" series - which will maximally fit to 82 mm lenses, or use "Z-pro" series - which can fit up to 96

mm lenses. Although "P" series still can fit to 82 mm lenses, I concern it might cause vignetting just like my

"A" series for my EF-S 18-55 mm lens.


Does anyone have experiences of using Cokin filter system for EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM? Or is there a better

alternative to Cokin fliter system?


Thank you in advance.

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the p-series will work ok on the 400D at 17mm as this is equivalent 28mm full frame, but will vignette badly on

the 5D with the same lens due to it having the full frame sensor.

I would go for 100mm filters from lee or hitec, the cokin p series are very poor quality, I tend to get a magenta

cast and when shooting into the sun lots of weird flare.

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On my Sigma 17-70mm mounted on a 40D (so, a 72mm filter ring), I see significant vignetting when I use my P-series filters (with the lower-profile single-filter mount) at 17mm. Move up to 20mm or so, and it's livable.


Based on that experience, I'd expect a 68mm filter ring to be borderline at 16mm.

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On APS-C cameras the Cokin P will work just barely on the 10mm wide angle, which might give a clue to 16mm on the FF?


Cokin sells a thin (one filter only) version of the P mount, but many people just buy a cheap knock-off and use

a Dremel tool or whatever to take off the extra parts. The only catch going with the Z-Pro is that of higher cost

and a reduced range of choice in kinds of filters, at least the last time I looked.


There are also filter adapters for the P mount that will allow you to use your old A filters on longer, smaller

diameter lenses. I only got into the system by buying an ancient Praktica kit that had A filters, so then I

bought some others, then still another.... (the story of my life).

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