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Music Usage (for photo slide show)

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I put together a slide show DVD for a boys little league game and set it to

music and the other parents loved it.

My concern is copyright of music and using songs to set the DVD's to.

I'm assuming this is a big NO No and copyright infringement if i use downloaded

music on the DVD and sell them?


Anyone know of how the proper methods of getting the release to you the music?

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It is actually a NO No, as you say, if you use almost any music that you have not produced yourself. Even with CDs you already own you generally don't have permission to make copies and sell. It may still be ok to make copies for friends and give away, but that will probably go soon.


The proper way is to contact the record company and pay a huge amount of money for a limited licence. The alternative is to be a thief and robber of innocent artists, like the other 95% of the populaiton, including my grandma (that should give you a hint about my opinion).


Try searching the web for "stock music" or "royaly free music" and you may potentially find lots of usable material. Check out Creative Commons, though often you can't use that stuff for things you will sell.



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Michael: I'm betting your grandma doesn't sell commercially published music as parts of her own work, does she? Would you be cool with someone saying that since their grandma uses pictures she found on the internet to decorate a recipe she's printing out for a friend that therefore it's cool to use some photographer's image - without license - as the cover for a CD that will be sold? The implication about your opinion is sort of a head-scratcher.


Charles: don't do it. It's potentially a very costly mistake. As Michael does point out, there are all sorts of stock music providers. Most of it is rather ho-hum, or even terrible... and most kids want to hear tunes they like and know, which makes this a difficult problem - at least, difficult at the level of money that's probably NOT changing hands, here. Be thoughtful (towards other artists) and careful, here.

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Matt: I am glad you can scratch your head at my opinion. It indicates that at least opinions are still free for the taking or indeed deprecating. You will notice that I have in no way said that people should be "thieves and robbers of innocent artists". I have, albeight obliquely, said that I think the law is wrong to make 95% of the population, including my grandma, thieves.





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