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Hi I am very new to photo net, I have recently started taking photography a bit

more seriously and really trying hard on capturing that right image...I find it very

dissapointing when people leave really low scores on your photo;s but cant be

arsed to take 2 seconds to leave any feedback as to why....! this really does not

help the amature trying to get better. does anyone else think this is wrong!?





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<i>does anyone else think this is wrong!?</i>


The numeric ratings are just a quick expression of opinion. Think of it as having a chair next to where your work is hung at a craft/art fair where thousands of people are walking by. Many will go by with little more than a glance. Some will stop, with their friend, and say, "nah, not really my cup of tea," completely ignoring the fact that you're sitting right there. Once in a while, someone will engage with you and say something encouraging because they're feeling generous and have the time. VERY once in a great long while will someone will actually tell you that they don't one of your images (or that they simply find it unoriginal, boring, a cliche, out of focus, badly lit, etc) and tell you why.


But (sticking with the art fair gathering metaphor), what if you were to get up from your chair and walk over to all of the other places where other photographers were seated next to their work, and provide good, honest critiques and comments? At least a few of them will follow suit, and come over to look at yours, and return the favor.


That's photo.net. The land of reciprocity. You gotta spend it (time) to get it (time from other people).

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Hi Steve,

I'm new too, and certainly no professional, but my critique would be that the image is over exposed and out of focus. If some more foreground were visible(or background) or if the pilings didn't touch the edge it would make the composition more interesting.

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Welcome to photo.net, Steve.<p>You're right, it is wrong. Especially for a site that makes a statement on the "about us" page:<br><i>We started in 1993 and strive to be the best peer-to-peer educational system for people who wish to become better photographers.</i><p>However, this is not a perfect world and there is nothing stopping you from actively seeking self-improvement. <br>Look out for some members who you think might be able to give you some advice, read and take part in the forums and then do some more reading.<br>With regards to the low numbers, I suggest you have a look at <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00Pi3d"> this thread from yesterday </a> and then check out a couple of the links that I posted there. It should give you a good indication of how the system can work for you.
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Sometimes there's so much wrong with a picture it's hard to know where to start. If the focus is off, the exposure is wrong, the composition is bad and the subject is uninteresting, there's really nothing much you can say that's going to be useful without writing a book.


That's why you'll rarely see any useful comments on images with ratings of 3 or less.

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If you have a general question that you want a specific answer for, then this forum is probably a good place to start. If you are looking for a general critique, then post a photo in the critique section and if people find it interesting, i'm sure you will get some critiques. If you just want your ego boosted, join flickr ;)


Regarding your image above... It's grossly overexposed, focus is way off, and there is no real artistic quality to it. If the piers are the subject, then there is more distracting the eye than drawing it to the subject. Maybe i'm blind, but I don't get what you were trying to accomplish with that photo.

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As I have pointed out already I know this photo is not a great shot it was a experiment that went wrong....The point I was trying to make was that if you beleive it is a bad photo say something, that way the photographer me in this case knows that it does not work. thanks again
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Steve, I agree with you about giving a low rating and no comments as to why or

suggestions to improve the next time your out shooting. But when someone rates

your photo something made them stop and look at it! And they had a response to

it on some level. Thats what its all about! The idea here is to get honest frank and

objective critiques from some very knowledgeable people. You can show your

family and friends your photos and they will give nothing but praise, but you won't

learn and grow! Don't let low ratings get your ego down, if you got just one rating

and it was a 3,3 it caught someone's eye and they took the time to voice an opinion.

Your photo got a reaction.

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Steve - I wasn't addressing your image in particular. I was just making the point that if an image is bad enough to rate a 3/3, then it's usually beyond the point of salvation. The only advice worth giving would be to go and photograph something else.


If the photographer can't see the exposure is wrong and the focus is off, there's really not much you can do to help them. The best advice would be to study a book on basic photography, then try again.


Try to post images that you think are good and see what comments you get. If you post stuff you know is bad, you can't expect much in the way of feedback

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Of course, don't get too caught up in the price tag being an indicator of what's good.

Don't know the picture Bob is talking about, naturally, but plenty of photos have sold

for plenty of money and I've seen many on the front covers and the insides of

magazines that I would rate 3 or 4. :)

We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
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I can agree how disheartening it can be to get a slew of low ratings without any sort

of feedback as to how to improve or things to consider. I also appreciate any

feedback I can get..whether it is positive OR negative...and I do try to spend time

every few days critiquing others (to the best of my knowledge and ability), but at

times have felt a little discouraged when I get nasty emails or comments asking

'what my problem is' when out of 4 things commented on, one happened to be a

suggestion (buried between multiple compliments and WITH the tag that it is simply

an opinion). I enjoy this site immensely because it challenges me to learn more

about the medium I have loved for years, but unfortunately I have come to believe

some of the 'elite' photographers found on photo.net have a little bit of an ego and

can't be bothered with critiquing a member outside of their 'clique'. (again, not

referring to everyone, just an observation based on my personal experience) On the

flip side, there are many amazing photogs here who ARE indeed willing to help out,

it just takes time to become visible in this mass community of artists.

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Let me get put my nose in here.... I find it kind of funny and annoying at the same time. I'm not talking only about me personally but sometimes I look at Photo Critique and there are all this great pictures with high scores, 6's and 5's and they ALL got one 3. It seems that somebody is just rating them all like that without even taking a look at how other members are rating them. Well, that is not big deal. I'm not complaining, I'm just telling what I have noticed. Rene'
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