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Six more shoots Ikonta 500 A

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Great shots Luis. I admired your second batch of shots as much as I admired your first batch. Take advantange of that little Tessar. Over 100 years later, it is still the lens to beat when combining simplicity and quality of output.<p>


PS - I did not know Starbucks had made its debut in Spain. They are spreading like mushrooms after the rain, just like McDonalds. I am one of the addicted Starbucks consumers, you will find me in one every morning getting a small iced coffe in hot days, or a caramel latte on cold days ;-).

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You'Re the master! I really like your photos. The Starbucks is an intersting juxtaposition of reflected and interior stuff. Cool Idea.

The Metropolis is so neat but that other large ornamental building

(City Hall?) is such an amazing architecture and you fit it in the photo so well! I'm inspired! Thanks Luis post more!!

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Thank you.


The building was constructed in 1901 up to 1906 en its name was The Fenix. I used to have coffee every Sunday when I was younger in the ground floor (Cafeteria Dolar) until 1967, when the cafeteria closed and an insurances company (Metropolis) bought it. They changed the name on the facade.

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Very kind but I am not a master but a poor teacher. I teach all my mistakes to my young pupils, so they don't need to repeat them.


I love shooting in that pedestrianized narrow street but I find no much light for candid, neither in summer time. The left building of bricks is the place where lived our poet <a href=" http://www.poetry-portal.com/poets9.html" >Lope de Vega</a>

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As a citizen from Madrid I have to thank you for calling it "lovely city" but it is too noisy to my taste. The old districts are nice for shooting pictures in b & w, like in any other old city.


I think that without the old lady the picture is futile and you are right about the contraposition of the tavern girls.



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Thanks so much.


I think that after get "poisoned" for Cliff's beautiful Ikonta pictures, my addiction to her is unstoppable.


That Starbucks is new. Years ago it was a shoe shop. I remember that when I was a child they use to gift, for any purchase, a balloon with the name of the shop (Calzados Segarra) this was in the 50s. Those days, to have a nice balloon fill up with gas was an exceptional toy for any of us.


I don't think you'll find me in places with so watered coffee. I prefer a nice Italian "espresso constretto". I’m afraid my veins need litres of caffeine :-) it’s a joke, I never get in jet. I'll tell you how the coffee is in a few days time.

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