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focus trouble

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I am using a Canon XSI (great camera). Both my Sigma lenses are not giving me

the perfect sharpness that I am looking for everytime I take pictures. I have not

found that the XSI is any worse on sharpness than the previous XTI that I owned.

Please can someone with more exreience on lenses give me some input on

Sigma lenses.

Thanks, Lawrence

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No camera and lens combination will give you "perfect sharpness every time". You have to do your part. You have inadvertently brought up a problem many people suffer from today i.e., they think their equipment takes their pictures for them.


There are simply too many variables in your situation to give a useful answer.

You should post some examples.

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Okay, Steve...here's an example. I take a picture of a subject - a flower for example. Its very sharp. I then take some shots of different subjects, go back to the same flower with the same camera settings, same lighting etc, and it's not as sharp as the original flower shot. I'm not asking the camera to do the work - I'm trying to understand if there is a problem with my lenses!
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Hi Alfonso. Both pictures of the flower were taken within 10 minutes of each other. In shade on a sunny day. ISO 200, spot metering, 125/sec at f-11. Yes, the lens did "hunt" for focus. Thanks for the response.
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