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Hola, Marina

No entro mucho por aquí, cuando lo hago suelo repasar tu magnífico trabajo buscando las novedades. He entrado en

este post al ver el título. Creo que para cualquier persona creadora, hay profundos momentos de crisis, que

anticipan nuevas olas de creatividad. Supongo que como ya estamos en octubre, tu crisis se la habrá llevado el


De todas formas, quiero recomendarte las reflexiones de Brooks Jensen sobre la fotografía, el proceso creativo y mil

cosas más divertidas e interesantes de leer para cualquier fotógrafo. Hay dos libritos geniales, "Letting Go of


Camera" y "Single Exposures". En uno de ellos habla de su admiración por Joni Mitchell, que en cada disco era

capaz de renovarse e inventar algo nuevo, a costa incluso de descolocar a sus seguidores. Muchas veces, dice él,

los artistas se estancan en el estilo y el tema que les ha dado el éxito por miedo a que al explorar otros campos,

sus seguidores se vean defraudados. Jensen anima a perder el miedo a la innovación y a apartarse de los caminos

ordinarios, para hacer simplemente lo que queremos, lo que libremente nos apetece.<br>



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I am new to photo.net and also still in my infant stages of learning photography.


I just came upon your work, and this post with it. If you are "just learning English", I would have never known!

You most likely have better grammar than I do, and I'm a native of the U.S.A.


Since photography is still only a couple of years new to me, I learn something with almost every click of the

shutter. I am sure it will be that way for a long while. However, I do understand how you must have been feeling

when you wrote this post.


I may be new to photography, but I have hit this same wall in other aspects of my life. I live in Montana, where

I have lived my entire life (I am 27 years old). I grew up on a small ranch outside of Whitehall. As a

consequence, horses have always been a part of my life. I started riding on my own at three years old, had my own

horse at six, and competed in junior and high school rodeo. I was never good enough to do it for a living, but it

has always been a part of me, and always will be.


Working with horses; that is where I have hit the same wall that you describe here. I still have much to learn

(about anything and everything), but one thing I have learned is this.


When you hit a plateau in any discipline, profession, or hobby.; step aside for a while. Don't completely give it

up if its something you love, but give it up for a while. This might seem counter-productive, but I truly believe

it can help. The break will not only allow time to help you see things from a different vantage point (no pun

intended), but once you return to your passion, you will feel a renewed interest. Its like being with someone you

love, sometimes the most wonderful thing is seeing each other after time spent apart.


Just my two cents. Oh, I almost forgot to mention. I think that your photography is amazing, thank you for

sharing your work.




"We are often so caught up in our destination that we forget to appreciate the journey."


-Author Unknown

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verdaderamente no comento demasiado en este sitio, pero me llamo mucho la atencion tu planteamiento. Pienso que la palabra "crisis" no es necesaria debido a que lo que yo percibo es simplemente una etapa de transicion. Tu pensamiento sobre que el fotografo debe mejorar en cada toma, es el pensamiento de alguien que verdaderamente tiene ganas de evolucionar, pero en la medida que uno llega a un nivel tan alto como el tuyo, mejorar o incrementar aun mas en nivel lleva a que debas hasta triplicar tus esfuerzos en todos aspectos, cuando mas alto estas mas cuesta subir un nivel mas. La autocritica es absolutamente necesaria para tal evolucion y veo que la tienes, pero tienes que querer y sentir lo que haces. Un gran amigo mio me dice que siempre que salgas a hacer fotografias tienes que disfrutar de lo que haces, generalmente los resultados estan relacionados de alguna manera con ello. Si no te gusta lo que estas haciendo a pesar de que sean excelentes tus trabajos, a lo mejor significa que debas intentar otro tipo de fotografia. Por ejemplo trabajos como "1" o "Bilitis" representan temas que puedas explotar mas aun y me gustaria ver alli todo tu talento en ese tipo de fotografia.

Asi que olvida lo de crisis, simplemente tomalo como una etapa, etapa de madurez como fotografa, como persona y mujer. La verdad tengo aun mucho mas por decir, pero prefiero continuar en otro momento, simplemente tomate todo el tiempo que tu consideres necesario.

Saludos Hugo.

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<p>When looking to improve, I look at the work of others, find the photos I admire, this sets my mind thinking, inspires me to improve my work. For me, it hopefully will be a long and winding road and an enjoyable trip. Try to incorporate some of you into the work, your likes, passions, humour even dislikes. Set out to tell a story. Make a point.<br>

I have my good days once in a while and I have my bad. Some days I just see something that calls out to be photographed. Some days I go for a long ride and get frustrated at how many beautiful shots there would be, but there seems to be a sign post every 10 feet, or a chain link fence. I drove along one of the most beautiful rivers but it seemed at every clear spot to shoot a great shot, there were 8 or 9 ugly signs, posts, electric poles and wires. I think there is a conspiracy to crap up every beautiful shot. I wanted to shoot a sunset over the near by river looking down to the city. I go to the park on Saturday at Sunset, the sign says park closes at sunset and the park ranger is sitting in his truck ensuring no one enters the park. I drive for the next 10 miles and all the land is private property. Fenced off, finally the sunsets, I lost my shot and think maybe tomorrow.<br>

I went to take a photo at night of a beautiful bridge, the bridge attendant said I am not allowed to photograph the bridge. he said the bridge commision has a Copy Right on any images of the bridge and if I photograph the bridge he will have to hold me until the State Police arrive. He said it is new Homeland Security law since 911. If I publish any photos of their bridge on the web I could be arrested. I would need to get written permission from the Bridge Commision. He was actually very pleasant about it. He agreed it was a ridiculous law but it is his job. He is protecting the bridge from photographers. I walked around town and was able to get a few interesting shots, though none of the bridge that night. The bridge commisions bridge was safe for another night. I know I will sleep better knowing these guys are standing watch. :)<br>

But a new day comes and there will be new oppourtunities for me to improve. There will be a brand new shot or idea to try. We are only limited to our world and our imaginations, our humour, our passions, our loves our interests. The artistic eye will see potential everywhere.<br>

You are a good photographer, I have seen your work. You have the skills, you have the talent. You have the universe out there and your imagination. When I was an Odessy of the Mind coach, we told the kids to think outside the box. Go for what pleases you and I'm sure you will knock our socks off. Happy shooting and best wishes. Regards - Mark</p>


Cheers, Mark
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<p>He estado leyendo tu post respecto a la falta de ideas nuevas o a ese punto de motivación necesario en cualquier actividad para progresar /disfrutar o estar satisfecho con el trabajo realizado y no hay nada más complicado que mantener el listón en lo más alto en cada especialidad y que además uno no acabe un poco digamos que “aburrido” con lo que hace, creo que a parte de amar ese tipo de fotografía es necesario indagar en que otro tipo de fotografía nos gusta o gustaría realizar e intentar entrar en ella trazándonos nuevos proyectos...nuevos sueños, pero claro eso no es nada fácil requiere un sobre esfuerzo considerable que ni todo el mundo es capaz de asumir o que tenga las ganas suficientes para cambiar, disculpa por el largo rollo…solo he querido dejar mi punto de vista a tu post…animo y a seguir que lo que he visto de tu galería es magnifico, aunque si decides cambiar a otro tipo de fotografía seguro que también lo bordarás… Saludos</p>


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<p>I can't express myself in English how much I appreciate your words, your comments and your advices. Each one have been very useful. I would like to respond each one of them, as you deserves, but my English don't allow me. I want to say to the everyone who has read or has writen in this thread, and has understood me or has felt like me: THANKS.</p>

<p>Almost one year later, the crisis hasn't gone, obviously. At least I'm not happy with what I do. It's not creative, my work it's no different, not better. But I'm very proud of my work till last year. I have felt happy here in photonet, this site has been very very useful for my work, my pictures, myself. I have learned a lot here, because there are great photographers, and I would appoint... <strong>Miguel Lasa, Marcel Van Oosten, Abdul Kadir Audah, Rafael Ferrando Flores, Michael Anderson, Foureyes, Rarindra Prakarsa, Migel A. de Arriba Cuadrado, Allon Kira, Guy Tal, Mehmet Ozgur, Max Billder, Wilson Tsoi, Yuri Bonder (I don't remeber you), Jean-Sébastien Monzani, Pavel Kaplum, Dyonis Moser, Jay Patel, Pedro Cruz Vera, Al Magnus, Richard Van Hoesel, Lars Raun, Floriana Barbu, Salih Güler, Hector Brandan, René Asmussen, Tim Holte, Birte Ragland, Camilo Marguelí</strong>... and many others photographers that I admire, and whose work I've learned a lot.</p>

<p><strong>Jack E</strong>, you are right, I have never been in Africa, all my wildlife pictures are taken in Cantabria, Spain, in Cabárceno, the Europe's largest wild animal preserve, where more than a hundred species roaming in semi-wild conditions. But I need a change of scenary.<br>

<strong>Leopoldo Della Ciana</strong>, you are not the first, and maybe it will not be the last. Thanks for your marry proposal.<br>

<strong>Francisco Javier Gimenez</strong>, tus palabras son precisas, hechas desde un inteligente punto de vista. Te las agradezco mucho.<br>

<strong>Daniel Cano Ott</strong>, thanks for your opinion about my work, and for your theory 80-20. I wish you all the best.<br>

<strong>Antonio Díaz</strong>, Itaca esta lejos, muy lejos. Gracias por el fragmento de la Iliada y por tu tiempo.<br>

<strong>Jill Bingham</strong>, your words are encouraging. Thanks for it! I wish you the best as well.<br>

<strong>Juan Riera</strong>, no solo es miedo, hay algo de falta de motivacion y no encuentro la causa.<br />Antes era capaz de irme a cualquier hora, a cualquier sitio sin importarme nada. Ahora algo ha cambiado y no se por que. Siempre estas ahi, te lo agradezco mucho.<br>

<strong>Keith Aldrich</strong>, thanks so much for your beautiful words. I need that passion return to my life, my photographic life.<br>

<strong>Hugo Romano</strong>, pienso que en la fotografia vemos pasion, sensibilidad, inteligencia, suerte, paciencia, destreza de cada autor. Cuando nos repetimos, todo esto desaparece y nos convertimos, nuestra fotografia se convierte en previsible, y por lo tanto dejamos de crear. Me siento incapaz, hoy por hoy de ahondar en otros campos. Gracias por todo lo que dices, y por lo que no.<br>

<strong>Mark Keefer</strong> , you makes me smile. I have lived your experiences. I make mine your words: <em>But a new day comes and there will be new opportunities for me to improve</em>. Thanks and best to you.<br>

<strong>Mario Lopez</strong>, efectivamente el cambio hacia algo nuevo requiere un gran esfuerzo, y para ello hay que tener mucha motivacion y ganas suficientes como tu dices. Gracias por tan buenos animos.</p>

<p>All of you makes me feel better. I still have much to learn.</p>

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<p >Hola Marina</p>

<p >Mirando tu portfolio, he llegado hasta aquí. No sé si las lluvias de este invierno habrán podido llevarse ese estado de confusión /duda en el que te encuentras, espero que sí. </p>

<p > </p>

<p >No quiero tirarte más flores, creo que tienes uno de los portfolios mas espectaculares que hay en photo.net, pero eso ya lo sabes, el dilema, es otro</p>

<p >Sirves de inspiración para muchos, para mi seguro y egoístamente, te pido que sigas tirando fotos….mirarlas es brutal. (Creo que te he tirado alguna flor, ha sido inevitable)</p>

<p > </p>

<p >Podrías como ya han te han comentado otros compañeros de por aquí, que salgas a fotografiar a lugares lejanos, donde haya animales y paisajes costeros como los que fotografías, pero que no tienes vistos y que no te conoces, como ya te conoces al dedillo lo capturado en tu portfolio. </p>

<p > </p>

<p >Tienes un estilo, y lo dominas, igual es hora de plantearse nuevos retos, un “challenge” que te inquiete, que te mantenga alerta y que te motive. Hay que seguir mejorando, hay que seguir probando y experimentando cosas nuevas, de so ser así, todo acaba siendo pura monotonía y rutina. A veces, un pequeño quiebro va bien.</p>

<p > </p>

<p >Mucho animo y muchas risas para superar está etapa.</p>

<p > </p>

<p >For the rest of you, sorry I did not write in English, but I am afraid my writing skills are not that good. I basically tell her that she perhaps needs a new challenge, something that will keep her moving, and alert, something that will motivate her. Taking pictures of animals elsewhere and of other landscapes that she doesn’t know that well would also be good….or so I think.</p>

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