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Good 3rd party Flash with "A" mode for D70


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Hi Friends:


I have another question. I'm planning to use SB-28 on my D70 with "A" mode.

Since that's the only semi-auto mode I can use, I am thinking why not consider a

3rd party flash with an equal good "A" mode to use? Can anyone provide some

thoughts or recommendations? Or no matter what stick on used SB-28? I don't use

film anymore.




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Why not just get an SB600. iTTL is da bomb! Save a few bucks and have a much

more frustrating time with flash photography? No thanks. Get an SB600 or an SB400 if

budget is a real issue (but I HIGHLY recommend going to the 600. The 400, with

bounce capability in horizontal photos only, is far too limiting.)

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I don't do too much flash photography and will occasionally do some concert shots, so I'll need a powerful flash. SB800 is too expensive, so alternatively the SB-28 might be a choice though I have to twick the settings to get it right.


SB600's power might be ok but I can't try out.

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i would not use a 3rd party flash with a nikon dslr as you'll be limiting yourself.. the sb-400 is inexpensive enough so that if you just want a flash with bounce, you can get that for not too much bread, but the sb-600 is better and the sb-800 even better if you want to use multuiple flashes, 3rd party flashes arent cheap for the good ones, anyway, and why pay more for less features? Nikon's CLS is a great system, you'll see when you use it.
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Seems I'll stick on Nikon flashes. Anyone have some experiences with SB600 in a concert or on a stage? I am not sure if SB600 is strong enough for a piano concert. The concert will be at Steinway Concert. I'm going to use Nikon 70-210mm AF F4 lens. I'd like to set the Aperture at F8 or F5.6.
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Sounds like you're back to iTTL, good deal. Old fashioned A mode is usable in a pinch, but telephoto / concert shooting isn't one place I'd like to use it. There's just too many issues of the flash sensor not 'seeing' what your lens is seeing.


GN of SB600 is about 183 @ ISO 200, 85mm zoom setting. That would give you about 32 foot range at f/5.6. Jacking up the ISO will give you more range.

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"I am thinking why not consider a 3rd party flash with an equal good "A" mode to use?" You may also think about buying a Wein voltage protector for your 3rd party flash, if you go that route. The chances are good something will 'fry' with a flash that is older and not quite like a Nikon SB-600 or SB-800 in design.
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Benhai, please reconsider a dedicated flash, you'll have TTL, that way you won't be guessing, I would hate to see the look while you run a string to the piano to get the distance or shoot a couple of shots and chimp. As Todd said distance and stage light are the main factors that will limit any exposure. I use to shoot with a SB-28 and my D70s at events and while I was close, it seem that I always missed the exposure on the important shots.

Good luck

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Thanks for all of the helps! I'd go for a SB-600.


Then another problem is where to buy. I saw it $184 at B&H for quite sometime. Will the price drop further? Is there any other places that can give me better price?

I can consider an used one if someone is upgrading to SB-800.

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