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This morning, I edited the morning's images with only the usual problems. Then I

went back to finish up last week's batch. It wasn't there. The weekend stuff that I

finished up last night was just as I had left it. Looking further, all of my recent

scans were gone. Then I found that all of my collections and and most of my

folders were gone. I had a huge string of individual files listed on the left instead.

So I started looking into what was gone and not. I had nearly twice as many

shots as I was supposed to have, but a lot of them were things that I had deleted

long ago. A ton of work has vanished. While looking for it, I got shut out of

Lightroom by a C++ Runtime Error. I guess I'll start with the Adobe site. I would

appreciate your thoughts.

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It sounds to me like LR got hold of an old backup set by accident.


I notice you didn't mention which OS or say whether you went looking through the filesystem for the missing catalog. Any possibility the drive letters somehow got changed? That happened to me (inadvertently left a portable USP device connected when rebooting XP) and freaked me out until I noticed the change.

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Rand, this also occurred to me and it looks like what happened. I am pc Vista. Anyway, I dug out all of the missing photos. Finding them was easy, but getting lightroom to take them back was not. I think the collections I was working on are gone forever. I am still trying to dig all of the extraneous files out of my folders. After opening my most recent catalog, I updated to LR 1.4. It wouldn't communicate with Elements 5.0. I knew Part of the problem was that my hard drive had been stuffed to the gills. For a while, the more I deleted, the fuller the drive got. Then I discovered all of my deleted stuff in Elements and deleted it again there, and now things seem to be working properly.
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