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Capture 4.4.2 vs Capture NX


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I searched for the answer but could not find it. Nikon USA was not a help either.


A friend of mine owns Nikon Capture 4.4.2 and wants to get Capture NX. Does he

have to buy Capture NX at the list price, or is there a way he can get a price break

since he already owns Capture 4.4.2?


Will Nikon View NX open up Capture 4.4.2?


Joe Smith

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As John points out, Nikon USA lets you upgrade from Capture 4.4.* to Capture NX for US$89.95 plus your local sales tax. Therefore, it is merely a little cheaper than buying a new NX from places such as Amazon.


I have made that upgrade once upon a time.

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Anyone considering upgrading from Capture 4.4.2 to NX is in for a real shock. Capture 4.4.2 can run rings around NX. When just opening a simple JPG Capture 4.4.2 is about 10 TIMES faster than NX. And that's on a machine with 2 gb of RAM, and Athlon 64 3400 CPU and a 300 dollar Nvidia Graphics card operating under XP Pro SP2. NX is a resource hog of immense proportions and it's now costing Nikon a lot of sales to other Raw converters becaue word is getting around. Which is a shame because NX can do some things extremely well. Such as CA removal, Noise Reduction, Picture Controls, and Tonal corrections.


My advice would be to keep both 4.4.2 and NX operating on your system. They do coexist quite well so there isn't any need to remove 4.4.2. Currently I use 4.4.2 when I am shooting JPG's and reserve NX for those occasions when I need the higher quality that shooting RAW can provide.


Hopefully, Nikon is currently thrashing their software developers and will come out with an upgrade that solves the current speed issue. As I recall, Capture 4.1 had some speed issues that were cleared up quite well in a later upgrade so I am hoping that the same will happen with NX. As it is now, it's completely unuseable for a high volume shooter because it takes about 45 seconds just to open an NEF from the D300.


I would also recomend that only one image at a time be opened because opening multiple images really causes resource issues and may result in the computer crashing. At the least, it just makes a really slow program even slower. To the point where you just may have time to bake a cake while the files open.

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