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Bears at Admiralty Island Alaska


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I'm considering a two-day stop at the Pack Creek bear viewing area on

Admiralty Island near Juneau at the end of August. I'll be there just

after the prime season, so I can get a permit to observe and

photograph the bears from a viewing platform built for the purpose.

For those who have been here or similar places, I welcome your lens

and film advice.


Film. I'm leaning towards E200. Any feedback on how this film pushes

compared to other options, particularly Provia? Other recommendations?


Lens. I have a 200mm f3.5 lens and a 2x extender. Will 200mm get me

close enough for good shots? Will the lens plus extender, (ap.

equivalent almost f8) be worth the trouble, especially given the

usual overcast of SE Alaska? (I'll be shooting with a tripod, but

even then . . .) Or should I look into renting some bigger glass --

does anybody know if there's a place in Juneau that rents 300/4 or

similar for Nikon?


Any other advice?


Thanks in advance,



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Hi Jeff - You'll for sure see brown bears at Stan Price State Wildlife Sanctuary (Pack Creek) at the end of August. Salmon will be in the creek till the later part of September. This is a case where permit "prime time" is based on when (eco)tourists tend to want to visit and not on any kind of biological situation involving when and where bears are...


Kodak E200 pushes great, which is a good thing because in late August rainy dark skies over northern Admiralty Island is pretty much a sure thing. Bring full head-to-toe raingear.


A 200mm lens isn't quite long enough for nice shots of bears there. Landscapes with bears in the frame, sure, but not photographs of bears. The teleconverter is necessary in this case. Actually, your teleconverter attached to the back of the Tamron SP 300/2.8 LD Adaptall that you can rent at Juneau Photoworks at 216 2nd St, Juneau, 99801 (907-586-1055) for $35/day would be even better. That specific lens has visited Pack Creek many, many times over the years.


Have a great time!



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Hi Jeff,


I visited Pack Creek two years ago and used a 300 + 1.4x extenter. I found that for the most part, this was too short. The bears have a good deal of room to move about, so at some times they will be closer than others. If I went today, I'd go with at least a 400 + extenders.


Your film choice is good as the weather is variable and often cloudy/rainy. I'd take along some 100 speed film for finer grain if the weather permits.



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