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Gay Wedding Market?


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So with the overturned ban on gay marriage in Calif now, the market to shoot a gay wedding might

be going up.


Political agendas aside here, anyone shot one or have images from one. I'd love to see some work.


~ nic

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I've shot a few and have one on my website if you'd like to see it. Don't see much difference in shooting gay or straight, the photography is pretty much the same. I don't market specifically to the "gay" market but am happy to shoot anyone's "special day" whether it's sanctioned by the government/various religous organizations or not.
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I've shot 2. It's always fun. The last couple both were dressed in beauiful wedding dresses. The thing I liked about them is one was a doctor the other an attorney, so for once money was not an issue. The other wedding was with men. Again no hassles. Both came with sharp tuxes and the cost for the event was around $100,000 plus. It was at a Beverly Hills hotel and they spared nothing. Steaks, lobsters for the dinner.


I'm for sure advertising in the Gay magazines and the West Hollywood district.

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I have shot 25 gay weddings here in Toronto. they are all Americans and are very small events. Local people put on weddings as elabourate as any. Economically good news for us here in Canada and there is no effective reaction against it. The California thing could cut into my cash flow. :) but is is nice to see you Yanks catching up socially.



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Todd, pretty sure the percentage isn't 3-4%, more like 9-11% according to all the studies I've read and as high as 17-20% in SF and LA. Sure it's a small number, and there are going to be many that do not want to get married, but then again....


I am in the process of putting together an ad targeted towards gay weddings. There was a report on the news about a run on booking wedding planners and florists. Hopefully photographers will be next :)

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