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What is going on ? ( The site is "super fast" now ;-) )

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Guys....I'm not really sure what to do here. I'm actually an Admin-bot XJ3400 and I'm only programmed to know what to do with users who complain about site performance. My processor gives me a "file not found" error when I look for what to do with complimentary posts.


In any case, glad that the hard work is appreciated. The programmers put in some long days getting everything put back together and optimized.

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Quick interjection with a question while Josh is being complimented! ~ Josh, can you explain what the delay for uploads on critiques is? It used to be I could upload, and click right to the main page and the photo would be there (which I liked to print) ~ now there seems to be a longer delay' Can you explain? Also, Why no more links allowed in critique requests?


I do appreciate the speed, too ' so thanks ' it is a bummer when the brain and fingers want to go so fast and not the site ; ) - -

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The delay may have to do with the way that images are handled by the new servers. I'll ask Jin about it.


Links are no longer allowed in critique requests because people were using that area to try and increase their google ranking by linking to their own business or personal websites on every critique. Which is something that is not allowed on photo.net.

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I only joined this site yesterday, so I cannot comment on how slow it used to be.

But from the above it must have been very very slow, if the present speed is considered fast.


Its taking minutes for pages to load - thought it might be a problem with my computer or server, just done a speed test:

Download 1260 kbps

Upload 337 kbps.

So the problem isn't with the computer or server.


Itメs a great site, and I would love to become an active member, but I donメt think I could cope with the frustration of waiting so long for pages to load - but Iメll keep trying for a little while.

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