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New Zeiss Ikon - Why did I wait so long?!

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Just wanted to let all the RFers out there know that I just picked up a new

Zeiss Ikon and the 28 Biogon. Wow! As a previous owner of two M6ttls and a new

MP, I think that Zeiss has Leica beat hands down. Why anyone would pay Leica

prices for an inferior camera while having the Zeiss alternative is beyond me.

The Zeiss Ikon is built and handles beautifully and the viewfinder is so much

better than Leica's that there is no comparing the two. The Biogon 28 also

performs wonderfully. Let the flaming begin!

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The Barnack Leicas built-in viewfinders were never usable with glasses, and not too accurate even without them. The original M3 viewfinder was quite wonderful -- if one didn't wear glasses.<P>The M2 was a cheapened version of it, just 4 lines without the corners, and unfortunately continued through the life of the M series. I hope they will learn from ZI, but I doubt it -- they never seemed to learn anything from Nikon, Canon, etc.<P>Now if the lines on the ZI just adjusted for distance, like the old Konica S2....
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"... why anyone would pay Leica prices for an inferior camera while having the Zeiss alternative..."


... hmmm... why an experienced&leading manufacturer like Cosina needs to use a german name to sell their Leica copy cameras and Leica-designed mount lenses? (Just for bugging... ) ;)

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<i>Quote, "hmmm... why an experienced&leading manufacturer like Cosina needs to use a german name to sell their Leica copy cameras and Leica-designed mount lenses? (Just for bugging... )"</i>


It's not Cosina using a German name. It is Zeiss' camera not Cosina's. It was designed by Zeiss and it built to Zeiss' specifications and QC by OEM supplier Cosina. I wouldn't call it a Leica' copy, particulary as the original poster points out, it works and performs better than the Leica. The only thing borrowed from the Leica is the lens mount. Just because it is a rangefinder doesn't mean that it is a Leica copy. Zeiss has been building rangefinder cameras for roughly as long as Leica.

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"Wow! As a previous owner of two M6ttls and a new MP, I think that Zeiss has Leica beat hands down. Why anyone would pay Leica prices for an inferior camera while having the Zeiss alternative is beyond me."


Seriously, I don't get it. The first time I picked up a ZI, I couldn't get the RF patch not to white-out unless my eye was exactly centered in the VF. And after spending five or ten minutes firing the shutter, it jammed and never worked again.


Congrats on your recent purchase, but I for one am completely happy sticking with my "inferior" Leica(s).

When you come to a fork in the road, take it ...

– Yogi Berra


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I have read many M7 owners who had electronic bugs with their camera which is the most like the ZI in the Leica lineup. ZI has been out a while so its tested and if there are any corners cut well at a third the price of the M7 didn't you expect them?


The question is does the better VF higher x-sync with regular speedlights make a difference in the final photos or not. If not then the same results for less money is a good thing.


Would you rather have a 20 year old Leica and spend for a CLA or a new camera with no mileage on it and a warrantee instead for the same money.

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"Geoff Portas , May 16, 2008; 03:30 a.m.<P>"Now if the lines on the ZI just adjusted for distance, like the old Konica S2...."<P>According to the Zeiss web site http://www.zeiss.com/zeissikon the viewfinder has automatic parallax correction and therefore does adjust for distance."<P>Geoff, the Konica S2 actually adjusts the field of view (FOV) for varying distance, whereas I think the ZI (like the Leica M) only moves the lines down and to the right, but still only covers about 80% of the FOV at infinity. Correct me if I'm wrong.
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"The first time I picked up a ZI, I couldn't get the RF patch not to white-out unless my eye

was exactly centered in the VF."


Same here. But, it was because i was used to the M7. After two minutes, that all changed,

and i haven't seen a "white-out" since. In that respect, it's far better than the 'upgraded'

M7 i had.

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