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Josh is doing a great job but...


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My main account has been disabled, my photographs are on here, I've sent some

emails, I made a different post (deleted) and all I got was an email telling me

how busy Josh is.


How hard could it be to simply re-enable the other account so I can delete the



* * *


I have sent a few emails with no responses....



But please allow me to delete my photos. I took them and I do not want them


displayed on the internet anymore.




My old user id was 22186, and when I attempt to log on using my old email


account, I get a "Sorry This account has been closed" message. A site dedicated


to photography should allow a photographer to have control of his photographs.




Thanks again,





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You were apparantly banned from the site for violation of site policies. You've now taken out another account which is not allowed and which I've now closed.


If you have to wait until Josh is less busy and has finished dealing with current site users in good standing, then that's just the way it is I'm afraid.

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What are you talking about? Is this the week of people making up stories about my email communication?


Here is the reply I sent you:


<i>"I can delete them for you.


Please provide me with the login and password for the account to prove

that you are the actual account owner."</i>


What more do you want? If you listed the wrong email on your communication to me, that isn't my fault. I'm not a mind reader.

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Dear fellow photo.netters:


I will be taking up a collection to help pay to have the "Gimme Sh*t" tattoo removed from Josh's forehead.


I warned him to pick the usual "Calvin peeing on a Ford" tat for his shoulder, but no, after a quart of tequila, eating the worm and an absinthe chaser, he had to have "Gimme Sh*t" tattooed on his forehead.


Apparently it goes with the job.

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In addition, Lex, it seems like fund for a crystal ball, or maybe a gift card for the Psychic

Friends Network would be in order also. Once again, it looks like that mind-reading software

I've been reading about should move to the front burner.


Seriously though, kudos to Josh and Bob. You both must have the patience of a tree.

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To be fair, while I do get frustrated from time to time (and who doesn't get frustrated on internet forums sometimes), my job at photo.net is really very good.


I get to improve a site that I have cared about for a long time and have experienced as user, moderator, administrator and...er...director (whatever I am now). Photo.net has seen me go from a confused student through success in multiple photographic fields as a professional. Despite all the problems that I am working to solve, I really do like this site a lot.


Besides, I get to work from my living room, so the commute is pretty good.

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