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Nova Scotia


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I want to travel to Maine and from there go to Nova Scotia . I ve never traveled in

that direction and dont know what to expect. Can anyone give me any suggestions

of places/ attractions/or anything that will lend itself for dramatic photography.I am

planning the trip between September and November.


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If you end up there in "leaf peeping time" expect great scenery, lots of people and expensive lodging.


Google will find you the official tourism web sites for Nova Scotia, New Bruswick and Price Edward Island. All you every want to read about travelling there is on the net.


Enjoy, and late Sept early Oct is the best leaf peeping time. After the middle of October, you could find a snow fall or three turning your trip into winter wonderland with terrible driving conditions.



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You can take the high-speed Cat Ferry from Bar Harbor to Yarmouth, NS. It's about a four-hour trip. On the south coast, the towns of Lunenburg and Mahone Bay are interesting and scenic. Both are worth a day. Peggy's cove is a photographer's dream - IF the light is good and the tourists have gone somewhere else.


I had planned to photograph lighthouses along the south shore. However, I was disappointed in that many were not very interesting and/or were difficult and time consuming to get to.


Other than Lunenbury, Mahone Bay and Peggy's cove, I didn't find the south coast of NS (up to Halifax) very attractive or interesting. Perhaps it was because I'd consumed some bad ice cream at a hotel in Halifax, and felt awful thereafter. Perhaps others can shed a more positive light on the south coast of NS.<div>00PTLp-43515784.jpg.c1c743745a165c04aaac591d9960ae48.jpg</div>

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The Cape Breton Highlands do indeed provide an unusal terrain, and interesting landscapes that are pretty unique to that area. We did a bed-and-breakfast loop all the way around NS, winding up in Halifax. I most enjoyed the highlands, as well some lovely old apple orchards in the south.


Incidentally, we took the overnight ferry from Maine, with the vehicle parked below. That was an interesting way to get there.

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I agree that Peggy's Cove is marvellous as is the Cabot Trail. It has been a long time since I visited Peggy's Cove, and at that time there were virtually no tourists in site, and accommodations consisted of a couple of little cabin arrangements. Things must have changed since then. The Cabot Trail is wonderful; be certain to carry a good wide angle lens. There's a good deal of rain and fog in the area, but sometimes that contributes nicely to the "mood." It's a long drive, but well worth it. I've taken the Bar Harbor to Yarmouth car ferry, but be warned that the sea can become quite choppy on that voyage. Never got so seasick in my life as I did on that ferry when the waters swelled; the ferry was pitching so violently that not even the sea-legged crew could avoid falling on the deck. Forewarned is forearmed--take some Dramamine just in case.
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