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Batch adjustments in Aperture 2 ???

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Hello again! Another question, and again probably a real easy one here. In Aperture, how do you

make batch adjustments? Example: I shot a job the other day, about 100 shots all on the same

background/same lighting. Everything is about 1/3 of a stop hot. In the "adjustments" section I hit

"select all", tried the exposure slider, and yet it would adjust only one photo at a time. I played around

with different photos, etc, but again even with "select all" selected the adjustments would be made to

one photo only. Any ideas?



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The first link in a Google search for <i>batch adjustments aperture</i> gives <a




Basically, make your adjustments to one image, use the 'lift' tool, select all the images

you want to apply it to, (make sure the 'primary image only' button is not set) and click

the 'stamp' tool.

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