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120 film in London England, where to buy?


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I am traveling to London and I need to purchase several dozen rolls of 120 when

I arrive. I am staying near Hyde Park and would appreciate knowing of a vendor

near by.


As an aside Do I have to worry about being mugged? If so I would take the old

Hasselblad not the new 203fe.



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Silverprint, in Waterloo, is a good place to shop.


You don't have to worry about getting mugged. It won't stop you from getting mugged, of

course, but you'll have a slightly happier time prior to getting mugged if you don't worry

about it. I didn't worry about it at all before I got mugged, and I'm very glad I didn't.

Considering how much I worry about it now, after the event, I'd hate to have worried about

it before, too.

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It would be much easier and cheaper to buy the film mail-order from Mailshots (www.mailshots.co.uk) or Discount Films Direct (www.discountfilmsdirect.co.uk) or Speedgraphic (www.speedgraphic.co.uk) than to trek across to Silverprint which is in a bit of a dingy area near Waterloo. If you really do insist on buying OTC then Jessops on New Oxford Street and Jacobs across the road carry a little. But you'll get a much better range at much better prices and 24/48 hr delivery via mail order, and if you want large quantities retail you may well find you need to visit a few places to accumulate it, whereas any of the mail-order sources above - all of whom will happily talk with you on the phone and do a live stockcheck- may well be able to give you everything in one hit.


You aren't really likely to get mugged in the parts of London that tourists frequent. Which is not to say that you wont get your pocket picked, or a backpack unzipped and contents removed. These are as rife here as in any large city. Again common advice is to take care outside the main city centre areas at night. Thats as valid in London as anywhere else, but I do not want to create the impression that you're taking your life in your hands walking through Soho or Covent Garden after the theatre, or walking through Mayfair from a restaurant at night, since in all probability you'll be quite safe.

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Back to roll film in London: Well my stop is usually the above-mentioned silverprint.co.uk, and I've never felt worried about, or felt threatened being in Waterloo. SilverPrint is a ten minute walk from Waterloo Station. The most memorable events of having had things stolen was in Oslo, Norway: 2 bicycles, a carry-all from my shoulder, shopping from the car, and whilst visiting a friend who had just moved into an appartment in town, that same appartment was cleaned out of valuables whilst we had a coffee around the corner. The door was 'securely' locked with new keys.


Film - film - film ... this thread is about film, isn't it?


Cheers, Jenny.

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People should be aware that their postings are being censored by the net moderator.


Members commented, quite rightly about an offensive posting on this thread. After I complained the posting was removed, and other members postings were edited by the moderator!

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What do you expect a moderator to do when you complain to them Frank?


If a moderator removes a posting on your suggestion, it makes sense to remove references to it - otherwise the thread doesn't read correctly. This isn't censorship - I

suggest you look that word up in a dictionary.


Personally (as a moderator) I would have been inclined to leave all the postings be.

The original posting wasn't really offensive - but if you call for action, then it will

probably happen.


It's a case of "be careful what you wish for", Frank.

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I certainly agree with the moderator's removal of the offending racist comment by Mohir Ali.


To Andrew Booth - One of the moderator's primary roles is to clean up the threads, not admonish a member (Frank F.) who was right on the ball. But as you rudely suggest to Frank that he look that word up in a dictionary, I've done it for YOU:


Censor - a person officially appointed to examine books, films, plays, letters, etc and remove parts which are considered offensive, politically unacceptable .../ Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary


The air of superiority about your posting is more about you pulling rank, which rhymes with "w---" promoting your own presence. You have lost the plot.


Thanks to Frank Fitzpatrick, who did the right thing, and the moderator concerned who swiftly took the appropriate action.



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Just thought I'd add that Silverprint are not open at the weekend in case this is a problem. You should certainly have no problem finding 120 in London!


I have found mailshots.co.uk to be excellent should you order film, usually cheaper than 7dayshop and same day first class dispatch before 12 with reasonable postage costs.

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Andrew, for what its worth I see nothing wrong in your post, or indeed your actions on this thread. People here in the aggregate don't seem to know what they want. On the one hand there is the " all interference is undesirable censorship" lobby. Then there's the " we should not allow any hint of racism/sexism/insert your own 'ism' here" to remain on Photo.net" group. Clearly one can't keep both of these groups happy, and indeed is there a lot of point trying when they are both likely to be wrong?
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