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Darlene, The K1000 is a fine camera, infact, I find myself using mine more than my digitals these day....Well not quite, but you get the point.

Ok, I have two of them and they are in perfect condition and did not pay 99.00 combined for both. On eeekkkbay, they average from what I have seen for about 40 bucks or so with a lens..Check there first. There are plenty of them...


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"Darlene: to quote matt... "that's stupid!" as in: they're asking waaayyy tooooo much."


i agree. of course i say that with a chuckle because i recently sold one on ebay for $89.99 + $10 shipping. no, i'm not kidding. it's amazing how far some good product photography will get you ;)


I also agree with Javier: it's a great camera to have. i've been having a blast with the one i kept!

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Yes and no.


If you want a well built manual camera than yes. If you could better spend $99 on something you need or want more than no.


The K1000 is an OK camera. It's solid, well built, and works. But there is nothing special about it other than it holds a fond place in Pentaxians collective souls.


It's not even the best manual camera Pentax made.


That said, I probably shot the K1000 about as much as any of my film cameras, and it did it's job. Had it had mirror lockup and DOF preview, I'd have no complaints and say BUY BUY BUY at $99.

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Great camera, certainly worth $100.... IF, it's in perfect working condition and does not need light seals or mirror cushion etc.


I paid $25 for mine from ebay and the seller threw in a NIB Olympus OM-10 for free.. Not a deal you get every day.


Also, all that goes out the window if there's a 50mm f1.4 attached to the front of it or some other legendary Pentax glass.. Get more details.

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Worth it if you believe it to be in good condition and if you want to use an extremely basic manual SLR. Not such a good deal that I would consider it an investment that you're likely to profit from--so worth it if you want to shoot a camera like that but there may be less expensive alternatives. You might be better off finding a less expensive one and getting it CLA'ed.
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A K1000 is a KX without viewfinder aperture and shutter speed indicators, DoF preview, Mirror lock-up, 6400 ASA (only 3200), and SPd meter material. Also, towards the end of production many metal parts were changed to plastic and production was moved to Hong Kong and then China proper, so you need to look for Asahi on the Pentaprism to get a good one.<p>There is a black KX w/ a K 55mm f/1.8 lens (a nice sharp standard prime back in the day) with no bids starting at $14.90.<p><a HREF="http://cgi.ebay.com/Asahi-Pentax-KX-w-1-8-55-mm-Lense_W0QQitemZ260232709826QQihZ016QQcategoryZ15240QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"> Asahi Pentax KX w/ 1.8/55 mm Lense (sic) </a><p>In fact, if you are going to bid, let me know so we don't bid against each other <|8>)
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The K1000 certainly has both mirror lockup and DOF preview.


To lockup the mirror, you have to tap the shutter button. Its kinda tricky and it takes some practice. It took me about thirty minutes befor i got it down.


To get DOF preview, all you do is push the lens release button and twist the entire lens body to the right like you are going to remove the lens. It will then stop down the apurture to whatever you have it set at.


To answer you question Darlene. 99 bucks is a little high. Check out ebay. you will get a much better deal.

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