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I just shot my first roll of the Efke IR. The results were poor. [Equipment

Used: Mayama C220 TLR, Wratten 87 filter, Sekonic Light Meter.] [Exposure: ISO

3, f-22, bracket at +/-1 stop, the filter factor was not applied. I took the

reading with existing light reading then bracketed.]...It looks like I should

have increased the exposure by several stops. Any suggestions? I had the

Kodak HIE down to a science. Please provide any help you can.



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One more thing. When I used the Kodak HIE. I used a Canon Elan 7E. I shot it at ISO 100. What I did was to take the exposure without the filter with the camera's light meter. I made a mental note of the exposure setting. I added the filter, then set the camera on manual exposure, setting it for the exact readings I noted befor adding the filter. I would take three shots, one on the exact metered setting and then bracket 1 stop over and under.

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Actually your metering process should work fine, assuming you use a ASA that matches

the film's sensitivity. I have found that ASA 1 or ASA "Half" is a better starting point than

ASA 3. Also the halation and contrast was more HIE like if the film was pushed a stop

from my normal HIE processing time. The gals at Freestyle were telling me that Efke takes

overexposure very well, almost to an extreme. like f11 at 15 seconds... so you might want

to bracket 1 & 2 over.


Is your meter accurate at ASA 3, would be my other question. Outdoors in sun your

exposure should be around 2 to 4 seconds at f8. So your exposure at f22 should have

been on the order of 30 seconds...


I have samples and tests on my Flickr page, under IR tests. check it out and let me know if

it helps. http://www.flickr.com/photos/schafphoto/<div>00PLWO-43234684.jpg.1ed3da2d86e53e9885009e2b9bc40da6.jpg</div>

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