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Canon 70-200 f4 IS vs f2.8 odd price difference UK/US


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I am going to the states in two weeks and was a bit tempted to buy a new

telephoto lens. So generally I am in favour of the 70-200 f4 L IS but I also

like the f2.8 non- IS, the f2.8 IS is just more than I can afford.


Anyway, I know the good and bad points of both, so that's not why i am writing.


But I realised something I find strange.


In the UK the f4 is around 730 pounds and the f2.8 930, so US$ 1450 and 1850.

So the difference between both is quite large and the f2.8 (non-IS) is much

more expensive than the F4 IS, almost 30%.


At BH Photo in the states the f4 goes for 1060 and the f2.8 for 1140, so just 8

% difference.


I found that quite strange, so if I buy the f2.8 in the US then I save almost

50%, if I buy the f4 IS I save much less.


That's regardless of which lens is better for my purposes and I don't want to

choose a lens purely by which one has the bigger saving. But I don't get why in

the US both lenses cost almost the same but in the UK one cost much more than

the other.


Any ideas why that is?


Find it a bit odd.



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I know many people that LOVE The 2.8 Non IS version. IMO If you shoot motion I don't think

IS is all that important since you usually will need a fast shutter anyway. just learn to hold the

camera steady. again just my opinion, IS does make it a little easier.

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Canon has tended to sent prices at the time a lens was first released and although there may be a reduction once the lens is no longer new, prices have tended to stay stable for long periods, ignoring the impact of currency changes on relative prices between countries. The f/2.8 lens was introduced back in 1995 when the pound was $1.50-1.55, compared with the more recent level of close to $2.


However, having said that prices tend to stay stable, I have seen several reports suggesting that Canon is about to increase lens prices in the USA by around 10% to correct for the falling dollar, effective 1st May. Do not assume that prices you see today will be available when you get to the US.


You should also beware that in the US, prices are quoted excluding taxes. Where you buy in person you will be charged local sales tax (8.375% in NY, I believe). You are then liable for duty and VAT on the tax inclusive price on importing back to Europe. The exchange rate you will get via your credit card is also likely to be significantly less favourable than the interbank rate. You should do your sums carefully, taking account of the various factors. For Euroland buyers at the moment some of the best deals are to be had by buying from the UK, not the US (partly because they qualify for Canon cashbacks where applicable, and also because of the strength of the Euro). The sliding pound is making purchases outside the UK less attractive at the moment.

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I'd not worry too much about the VAT at this end. I've brought loads of stuff back from the usa including camera gear and laptops and never once paid vat. Last time I send a small crate full of tools back to the UK all escaped duty. I'm planniong a similar purchase to you on my next trip
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Thanks for the answers.

I will probbably buy at BH Photo and ship it to my hotel address which is in Arizona. I blieve the NY sales tax doesn't apply in this case even though the law is about to change.


With BH it used to be possible to buy with a non-US card and ship to a hotel, hope that still works.


Regarding import duty, it's still worth to buy in the US.


And thanks for the 1st May increase tip. I might just buy now to be sure.



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I think the f/4 is cheaper in the UK: available from Jessops for 684 UKP less 45 UKP cashback (see camerapricebuster). That is equivalent to under UKP 520 before duty and taxes, or under $1,000 at typical credit card exchange rates. You also need to make an allowance for shipping in/from the US if not buying in person.
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UK prices seem also as bad as those in Australia.


I think you'll find the price difference due to supply/demand ... there's more demand for for the 2.8 so the retailers must compete more.


I picked up the 2.8IS whilst recently in the US for approx 50% of the best street price available in Aust (US$1679 vs A$3199, and given exchange rate is almost 1:1 ... :-). I used Adorama, who did deliver to a hotel, but I had an established buying record with one credit card and called them to confirm the sale - they did take a little convincing to ship to other than billing address, though.


Declaring at customs still didn't get close to the price I'd have to pay at home.

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Have a look on EBay. Seriously, I just bought the 70-200 f4 NON IS for 330, thats 120 less that jessops!




That guy has a shop on ebay, ususally if you contact him by email he'll reduce the already low price he quotes on ebay. I also got the 100 f2.8 macro, with hood and filter,40 quid less than jessops want for the lens alone! Oh, and both qualify for the cashback deal that Canon is running.

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