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Mamiya TLR lens CLA


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Well, that is what I like, a personal recommendation...

I have called close to a dozen places that advertise CLA... I get the person on the phone... I ask if they have experience with Mamiya TLR lenses... Invariably the person turns away from the phone and yells, "hey, do we do Mamiya lenses?"... I hear a muffled voice in the back ground, then "Yeah, we can do that."..

How much, I ask...

"Uhhh, that'll be, ummm... 'Hey frank, how much do we charge for them?' " More muffled voices... By then I figure their work will be about as expert as their phone person...


I'm not trying to shop for the low ball figure, I'm trying to convince myself that the shop knows what they are doing... AS opposed to opening my lens, giving the pivots a drop of watch oil, snapping the shutter ten times... And calling that a CLA, "and that'll be $110."...


I'll give these above fellas a call and maybe i can ship my lenses tomorrow...



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For those who are looking for a great camera repair placein the San Diego area, Kurt's camera repair on Mission Gorge Road, San Diego is the place to go. They are friendly and honest. I have had them work on my camreas and my Gossen Luna Pro light meter, and they work just fine.


7811 Mission Gorge Road.

San Diego, CA

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