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How's this for Irony


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Good to know you found "ad hominum" whilst looking up "Straw man" - now that you know what they are perhaps you'll approach future discussions without resorting to them.


My use of the term secular is plain for all to understand, but it seems you need it spelled out for you which I did in my follow up post to yours by bracketing "point and shoot". It's relevant because the term "Dinosaur" in reference to film, the motivation for this entire thread by the way, came from an Electrician who is precisely a member of the secular photographic community "ie point and shooters".


My entire point was my own to make and not yours and yet you continue to feign some higher judicial power to tell me whether my point is relevant to a discussion it is entirely relevant to. If you can't deal with the fact that people have different points to make other than your own - you seem to need your own personal brand of "head bobbing" - then I suggest you go hire a captive audience in future that doesn't have the bright spark of creative thought who will just sing the praises of your lofty points and none other.


Get a life.

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My non use of the digital format for my personal work has no bearing on my ability to hold an informed opinion. For while I don't exercise digital in my work ( other than scanning for the net ) I have friends who run busy professions shooting Digital not because they choose to but because their clients request it. Once again you refuse to speak to the original issue but would rather drag it off topic into your own private ego stroking session about Digital ... and more Lab reports.


That life is still waiting ...

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Oh my. People should talk more in person - the internet seems to foster behavior and attitudes that don't usually occur in face-to-face discussions.


Anyway, I shoot both film and digital. I like to use low contrast neg film in high-contrast light. And I like the subtle gradations of highlight detail. Digital is faster, and there are times when I opt for it over film.


Who's right? Who cares? I vote with my wallet.

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The cameras design also incorporates fewer potentially confusing controls and other distractions, allowing anyone to take breathtaking pictures while eliminating the need to learn photography.



This was taken from specification from a high end digital camera company.....


If you don`t have time to learn photography, you can alway go digital.

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