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night photography


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Hello! I am in desperate need of some pointers on photographing a full moon.

I am using a E-500 olyumpus and just recieved a 70-300mm len, however I can not

seem to get the settings right. Can anyone give me any pointers, I am really

rather new to dslr photography, only had the camera for about a year, before

that I just used a point and shoot. The book "Digital Photography for Dummies",

helped some, but to be truthful it wasn't dummie enough! (ha!ha!) Thanks!

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the sunny 16 rule is where I started. f16 aperture and set the shutter speed to the ISO (ex. f16 with ISO 100 at 1/100). You have to play around, but the thing to remember and what I've learned is that the moon is reflecting sunlight and should be treated as such.
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The moon is a sunlit object.


I would set the camera to manual, ISO 100, Shutter 1/125, aperture f11 and start shooting. I would bracket with the shutter speed in 1/2 stops both up and down one and one half stops to be sure I got what I wanted.


I would also shoot it Raw for the ability to make all sorts of nice adjustments to it.

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The Loonie 11 rule. It's like the Sunny 16 rule but made for Lunar stuff.



Ok shutter speed is one reciprical of your ISO (ISO 100=1/100th, ISO 200=1/200th ISO 1600=1/1600th, get as close as you can to the speed)

Aperture f/11

Shoot, look at histogram for spikes going off the chart, adjust and shoot some more.



The sunny 16 rule is the same thing only f/16 in reflected broad sunlight.



A good site to visit is <a href"http://www.fredparker.com/ultexp1.htm" target="x" rel="nofollow">HERE</a></b>

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