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Hi It looks like you have some nice images, I too think you need beter navigation, I also think you need more text. Search engines love text, it is what will help you to get a better page ranking. Have you had a look at your local competitors websites? make your look different, Lots of fading images is not always what clients want to see, they also want info. Hope that is helpful Mike




<a href="http://www.bellwoodphoto.co.uk">Bellwood Photo</a>

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GASP! A photographer who actually has an option for us poor fools who don't like, don't need, don't want and only barely tolerate Flash? That's definitely refreshing. Thanks also for putting your location on the opening page; it's strange how many photographers expect to get work without even letting customers know where in the world they are.


Since my browser doesn't open new windows, I'm not particularly upset by that target-attribute that Aaron dislikes, but I do agree with him: you should stay in the same window.


Next, you may want to look at scalability, unless you are using your site to weed out the deadbeats who don't own a widescreen monitor.<div>00P8Mx-42849884.jpg.2032bf4c787692b10990c45b246d04c1.jpg</div>

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I appreciate all the responses. Everything is now in the same window. Music is gone - didn't even realize it was there (I'm speakerless at the moment). Guess it was a Bludomain default song. Not sure how to deal with the scalability - definitely don't wish to weed out anyone! Thanks again for the input.
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Your website looks very professional. As too scalability, alot of people's monitors are set either at 1024 by 768 or 1280 by 1024. Most LCD monitors are default at 1280 by 1024. Anything lower than that, don't worry about it.


Noticed your price. Based on your images, I think you should charge more. At 1200 dollars, you are not going to make enough. Don't be afraid or ashamed of charging more for your services. I would at least start at $2500 and then slowly go up from there. Develop a pricing model and strategy for increasing your profits. Good luck.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like it a lot. The HTML and flash versions has a navigation issue - the line of links with the fineart opton is only available on some pages. The transitions are a bit slow for my taste


I would be really looking for more info as a customer - like: what is fine art? can you make me a canvas? etc..


Your work deserves a great site, looking good so far


Simple effective

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