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Pocket Pentax, anyone?


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The 13 oz Olympus 420 with 3 oz 25mm pancake lens is stirring up huge interest.


It's pocketable, in a large pocket anyway, but with none of the limitations of a

point and shoot. Pentax already has the lenses for a similar camera: the DA

limited pancakes. If they made a similar body I'd order it on the day it was

anounced -not to replace my K10D but to supplement it as an "always with"

camera. Would you?

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The width is about the same as the K100D, 5.1" as is the hight, 3.6", but the K100D depth is greater due to a deeper grip. The 5oz greater weight is due to 2 factors- better build quality and the SR system. I'll gladly put up with the 5oz, and also my 21mm and 43mm Limiteds.


The K200D is slghtly larger, and 10mp, but built better yet with weather sealing.


Pentax should really keep the K100D going for a while longer.

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True the Oly 420 lacks true electromagnetic VR but it does have some sort of digital VR -not sure how well that works- and, a big plus, it has Live View, which makes up for the wretched little penta-mirror, a defect it shares with the KXXD Pentaxes. I see no reason why a pocketable Pentax built to take the DA pancakes could not have Live View also.
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In fact, why not build an interchangeable lens body for the DA pancakes that dispenses with the pentaprism/mirror assembly entirely: a live view only Pentax with APS size sensor, perhaps powered by the long-lasting batteries that run the K10D? What a take anywhere street shooter that would be!
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David: I am no optical engineer but I'm guessing that the distance from sensor to lens mount must remain the same so while you *could* remove the mirror and pentaprism it wouldn't necessarily result in the dramatically body you hope for.


While many folks here like the K??0D/*ist D?? bodies' AA battery capability, it's not without a price in terms of bulk, weight, fiddly-ness, and battery life. I took my ZX-L out for an outing this weekend with a light FA 28-70 f/4 lens and marvelled at how nice it felt compared to my use of the K10D the previous day--light & compact, even with its Fg AA grip. With this in my mind I went home and picked up the *ist DS2 with a similarly lightweight lens--slightly chunkier but weight-wise, not too bad. Unfortunately, those extra few ounces on the K10D exact a noticeable toll when the camera is hanging from your neck.


I'm not sure why people are getting so excited about the Oly. It still has a tunnel-like viewfinder and while I'm sure the 25mm f/2.8 pancake (50mm equiv) is nice, lets see them make a 15-16mm wide angle pancake to go with it. (Actually, I'm waiting for Pentax's roadmapped 15mm Ltd to see how IT turns out).


I'd like to think that Pentax is planning to add a new compact body at some point a la M-series, A-series, MX/ZX series, and *ist series. I'm sure I'm not the only one here who would basically like to see K10D performance and control built into a compact penta-prism-equipped body.

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I will quote Godfrey DiGiorgi (please excuse any inaccuracies)he said "Horses for courses". An Olympus E-420 with the 25mm f2.8 would make a nice package for a large pocket. I prefer my DL with 35mm f2 as a picture taking tool but the Olympus is considerably smaller and more easily carried. I could get a 40mm DA limited and be close to that size but that isn't really the point, I see no problem with owning a Pentax system yet still having this little jewel as a "take everywhere" alternative.
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Great idea in theory, except scanning slides and negs gets really tedious... plus there's the expense of a quality film scanner, quality film, quality processing... those expenses, plus the time involved with scanning, were the major reasons I switched from film to digital.


I still LOVE my little Nikon EM, though. It just feels perfect in my hands. And the Series E 50/1.8 is only somewhat bigger than the various "pancake" lenses mentioned above.


Sigh. I continue to daydream about a DSLR that is the same size, shape, and weight as my EM. Maybe someday.

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