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M42 Lens Adapter: Will It Still Work?


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I recently purchased a M42 adapter from BHphoto. Due to my clumsiness, or

perhaps, to defective construction, the little locking gizmo on the adapter

fell off. Does this affect anything when used on the camera? The lens mates to

the camera all right but doesn't lock. I keep getting the odd beep from the

camera when the lens is in use, and a flashing tiny red square in the center

of the viewfinder. Is this normal behavior?

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When you get the "odd beep" does a 6 sided green light appear in the viewfinder (down where the f stop/shutter speed info shows up)? This tells you that the image is in focus. The red square is the sensor location for the auto focus system. The camera is looking at that spot for a focus point.


As for the locking tab. Not an issue as long as the lens doesn't fall off and hit the ground.

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Some people actually go so far as to cut that locking tab off. The tab requires a tool to release the adapter. Without the tab, the lens will dismount, just like any k-mount lens.


On mine, the tab fell off and I haven't missed it. I was a little worried about the lens falling off, since it doesn't lock in place. I've found that the friction fit of the adapter is more than enough to keep the lens in place. Now, I can leave the adapter on my Super-Takumar 50mm/f1.4 lens, effectively converting it to k-mount. If I find another screw-mount lens that I want to use, I'll buy another adapters, remove the tab and leave it on that lens.


Paul Noble

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I have all my old M42 lenses with an adapter stick on it. I have dismantel the locking tab and I use them as a normal K mount lens.

No lens has fallon from the body. As Paul said the friction created between the mount and adapter is enough to fix the lens.

I don't think that you have to worry about that.

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